Synesius of Cyrene, philosopher-bishop

Jay Bregman



- Note on Abbreviations

- Bibliography

    I. Ancient Works

    II. Modem Works


        Note on Abbreviations


Full references to ancient and modern works cited in abbreviated form will be found in the bibliography. In addition, the following abbreviations have been used:


LSJ — A Greek-English Lexicon. Compiled by H. G. Liddell and R. Scott. Revised by Sir H. S. Jones, 9th ed. Oxford, 1968.


OCD The Oxford Classical Dictionary. 2nd ed. Oxford, 1970.


PGPatrologiae Cursus Completus, Series Graeca. Edited by J. R Migne. Paris, 1857-1880.


PLPatrologiae Cursus Completus, Series Latina. Edited by J. P. Migne. Paris, 1844-1864.


RERealencylopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft. Edited by A. Pauly, G. Wissowa, and W. Kroll. Stuttgart, 1894-.


Primary reference to Synesius’ works in the text and notes is by column number to volume 66 of PG and by chapter and column number to N. Terzaghi’s edition of Synesius’ Hymni et Opuscula.


All translations are my own unless otherwise specified.







 I. Ancient Works


Augustine, Saint. De Civitate Dei. Edited and translated by W. M. Green, W. C. Greene, P. Levine, G. E. McCracken, E. M. Sanford, and D. S. Wiesen. 7 vols. Cambridge, Mass., 1957-1972.

_____. Les Confessions. Edited by M. Skutella. Paris, 1962.


Averroës. On Plato's Republic. Translated by Ralph Lerner. Ithaca, N.Y., 1974.


Basil of Caesarea. Opera. Edited by J. P. Migne. PG vol. 31. Paris, 1858.


Callistratus. In Philostratorum et Callistrati Opera. Edited by A. Westermann. Paris, 1849.


Clement of Alexandria. Opera. Edited by J. P. Migne. PG vol. 8. Paris, 1857.


Corpus Hermeticum. Edited by A. D. Nock. Translated by A. J. Festugière. Paris, 1945-1954.


Damascii successor. Dubitationes et solutiones de primis principiis. Paris, 1889.


Damascius. Vita Isidori reliquiae. Edited by C. Zintzen. Hildesheim, 1967.


Eunapius’ fragmenta. In Fragmenta Historici Graeci Minores. Edited by L. Dindorf. Part 1, pp. 205-274. Leipzig, 1870-1871.

_____. Vitae sophistarum. Edited by J. F. Boissonade. Paris, 1849.


Evagrius Scholasticus. Historia Ecclesiastica. Edited by J. P. Migne. PG vol. 86. Paris, 1860.


Gregory of Nazianzen. Opera. Edited by J. P. Migne. PG vol. 37. Paris, 1858.


Gregory of Nyssa. Opera. Edited by J. P. Migne. PG vols. 44-46. Paris, 1858 and 1863.


Hermetica. Edited and translated by W. Scott. 4 vols. Oxford, 1926.


Iamblichus. De Mysteriis. Edited by E. Des Places. Paris, 1966.

_____. De Mysteriis. Edited by S. Parthey. Berlin, 1857. Reprint, Amsterdam, 1965.

_____. De Vita Pythagorica. Edited by A. Nauck. St. Petersburg and Leipzig, 1884.





_____. Iamblichi Chalcidensis in Platonis Dialogos Commentariorum Fragmenta. Edited and translated by J. M. Dillon. Leiden, 1973.

_____. Life of Pythagoras. Translated by Thomas Taylor. London, 1818. Reprint, London, 1965.

_____. Les mystères d’Egypte. Edited and translated by E. Des Places. Paris, 1966.


Juliani epistulae et leges. Edited by J. Bidez and F. Cumont. Paris, 1922.

_____. Oeuvres Complètes. Edited by J. Bidez, C. Lacombrade, and G. Rochefort. Paris, 1924-1972.

_____. The Works of the Emperor Julian. Edited and translated by W. C. Wright. 3 vols. New York, 1913-1923.


Macrobius. Commentary on the Dream of Scipio. Translated by W H. Stahl. New York, 1952.

_____. Saturnalia. Translated by Percival Vaughan Davies. New York, 1969.


Olympiodorus. Olympiodori philosophi in Platonis Phaedonem Commentaria. Edited by William Norvin. Leipzig, 1913.


Oracles Chaldaïques. Edited by E. Des Places. Paris, 1971.


Orphicorum fragmenta. Edited by O. Kern. Berlin, 1922.


Philostorgius. History of the Church. Translated by E. Walford. London, 1855.

_____. Kirchehgeschichte. Edited by J. Bidez. Leipzig, 1913.


Philostratus. In Philostratorum et Callistrati Opera. Edited by A. Westermann. Paris, 1849.


Philostratus and Eunapius. Lives of the Sophists. Translated by W. C. Wright. New York, 1922.


Photius. Bibliothèque. Edited and translated by R. Henry. Paris, 1959.


Plotinus. Enneads. Edited by P. Henry and H. R. Schwyzer. Museum Lessianum, 1959-1973.

_____. Enneads. Translated by S. MacKenna. Revised edition. New York, 1969.

_____. Enneads I-III. Translated by A. H. Armstrong. Cambridge, Mass., 1967.


Porphyry. Porphyrii Opuscula Tria. Edited by A. Nauck. Leipzig, 1860.


Pratum Spirituale. Edited by J. P. Migne. PG 66.1043-1046. Paris, 1859 and 1864.


Proclus. Elements of Theology. Edited by E. R. Dodds. Oxford, 1933.

_____. In Timaei. Translated by Thomas Taylor. London, 1820.

_____. Procli Hymni. Edited by E. Vogt. Wiesbaden, 1957.

_____. Théologie platonicienne, I-III. Edited by H. D. Saffrey and L. G. Westerink. Paris, 1968.

_____. Timée. Edited by A. J. Festugière. Paris, 1966-1968.


Rhetores Graeci. Edited by L. Spengel. 3 vols. Leipzig, 1894.





Sallustius. Concerning the Gods and the Universe. Edited and translated by A. D. Nock. Cambridge, Mass., 1926.


Scriptorum Paganorum I-IV Saec. de Christianis Testimonia. Edited by W. Den Boer. Leiden, 1948.


Socrates Scholasticus. Historia Ecclesiastica. Edited by J. P. Migne. PG vol. 67. Paris, 1859.


Sozomen. Historia Ecclesiastica. Edited by J. P. Migne. PG vol. 67. Paris, 1859.


Sozomen and Philostorgius. History of the Church. Translated by E. Walford. London, 1855.


Synesius of Cyrene. The Essays and Hymns of Synesius of Cyrene. Translated by A. Fitzgerald. 2 vols. Oxford, 1930.

_____. Hymnes. Edited by C. Lacombrade. Paris, 1978.

_____. Les Hymnes de Synésios de Cyrène. Translated by M. Meunier. Paris, 1947.

_____. Synesius Cyrenensis Hymni. Edited by N. Terzaghi. Rome, 1939-

_____. Letters. In Epistolographi Graeci. Edited by R. Hercher. Paris, 1879. Pp. 638-739.

_____. The Letters of Synesius of Cyrene. Translated by A. Fitzgerald. Oxford, 1926.

_____. Synesius Cyrenensis Opera Omnia. Edited by J. P. Migne. PG vol. 66. Paris, 1859 and 1864.

_____. Synesius Cyrenensis Opuscula. Edited by N. Terzaghi. Rome, 1944.


Theodoretus. Historia Ecclesiastica. Edited by J. P. Migne. PG vols. 80-84. Paris, 1859-1860.


Zosimus. Historia Nova. Edited by B. G. Niebuhr. Bonn, 1837.



 II. Modem Works


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