The Bulgarians. From pagan times to the Ottoman conquest

David Marshall Lang




- Chapter 1

- Chapter 2

- Chapter 3

- Chapter 4

- Chapter 5

- Chapter 6

- Chapter 7

    Architecture - Painting and Manuscript Illumination - Applied Arts - Music




ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE d’etudes du sud-est europeen. Actes du Premier Congrès International des Etudes Balkaniques et Sud-Est Européennes: III, Histoire (Ve-XVe ss.; XVe-XVIIe ss.), Sofia 1969.


BIRNBAUM, H. and VRYONIS, s., eds. Aspects of the Balkans: Continuity and Change, The Hague 1972.


BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES - Division of Fine Arts and Culture. Kompleksna nauchna Rodopska ekspeditsiya prez 1953 godina. Dokladi i materiali (The combined scientific Rhodope expedition of 1953. Reports and materials), Sofia 1955.

_____. Division of Historical and Pedagogical Sciences. Narodnostna i bitova obshtnost na Rodopskite Bălgari. Sbornik ot statii (The national and social community organization of the Rhodope Bulgarians. Collection of articles), Sofia 1969.

_____. Institute of Balkan Studies. Recherches de Géographie historique. Edited by V. Beshewliev and V. Tăpkova-Zaimova, Sofia 1970.

_____. Institute of History. Etudes Historiques, à l’occasion du Ier Congrès International des Études Balkaniques et Sud'Est Européennes' Sofa, tom. 3-5, Sofia 1966.

_____. Institute of History. Fontes Historiae Bulgaricae. (Izvori za bălgarskata istoriya. Sources on Bulgarian history), tom. 3, etc., Sofia 1958.

_____.  Institute of History. L’Histoire bulgare dans les ouvrages des Savants européens, Sofia 1969.


DINEV, L. and MISHEV, K. Bălgariya. Kratka geografiya (Bulgaria. A brief geography), Sofia 1969.


EVANS, S. G. A short History of Bulgaria, London 1960.


FORBES, N., and others. The Balkans. A history, etc. Oxford 1915.


GERASIMOV, I. P., and GĂLĂBOV, ZH. S. Geografiya na Bălgariya. Parvi tom. : Fizicheska geografiya (Geography of Bulgaria. Vol. 1: Physical geography), Sofia 1966.


HAUSSIG, H. W. A History of Byzantine Civilization, London 1971.


HERODOTUS. The Histories of Herodotus of Halicarnassus, trans. and introduced by Harry Carter, London 1962.


HODDINOTT, R. F. Bulgaria in Antiquity, London 1975.


IVANOV, Y. Bălgarski starini iz Makedoniya (Bulgarian antiquities from Macedonia), edited by B. and D. Angelov, Sofia 1970.


KANCHOV, V. Izbrani proizvedeniya (Selected writings on history, topography, ethnography and geography), edited by Khristo Khristov, 2 vols, Sofia 1970.


KIRKOVA, L. and ROSTOVA-YANKOVA, e. La Science historique bulgare, 1960-1964. Bibliographie publiée à l’occasion du XIIe Congrès International des Sciences Historiques - Vienne, 1965, Sofia 1965.


MACDERMOTT, M. A History of Bulgaria, 1393-1885, London 1962.





OBOLENSKY, D. The Byzantine Commonwealth. Eastern Europe, 500-1453, London 1971.


TODOROV, N., DINEV, L., and MELNISHKI, L. Bulgaria. Historical and geographical outline, Sofia 1968.


TODOROV, N. and others, eds. Bibliographie d‘Etudes Balkaniques, vol. 1, etc., Sofia 1968-.


VEYRENC, C. J. Nagel’s Encyclopedia-Guide : Bulgaria. Geneva 1968. (With excellent notes on leading historical sites and monuments.)


VISHNEVSKI, V., KRĂNZOV, G., and POP-ZLATEV, Z. Bălgariya i Bălgarinat (Bulgaria and the Bulgarians), Sofia 1968.





ANGELOV, D. ‘La formation de la nationalité bulgare’, in Etudes Balkaniques (Sofia), no. 4, pp. 14-37.

_____.  Obrazuvane na bălgarskata narodnost (The formation of the Bulgarian nation), Sofia 1971.


ARTAMONOV, M. I. Istoriya Khazar (The History of the Khazars), Leningrad 1962. (Russian.)


BESHEVLIEV, V. ‘Aus der Geschichte der Protobulgaren’, in Etudes Balkaniques, no. 2, pp. 39-56.

_____.  ‘Les cités antiques en Mésie et en Thrace et leur sort à l’époque du Haut Moyen Âge’, in Études Balkaniques, 1966, no. 5, pp. 207-20.

_____.  ‘Deux corrections au “Breviarium” du patriarche Nicephore’, in Revue des Études Byzantines’, tom. XXVIII, 1970, pp. 153-59.

_____.  Epigrajski prinosi (Epigraphic contributions), Sofia 1952.

_____.  Die protobulgarischen Inschriften, Berlin 1963. (Berliner Byz. Arbeiten, Bd 23.)

_____.  ‘Verata na Pârvobâlgarite’ (The religious beliefs of the Proto-Bulgars), in Annuaire de l’Université de Sofia, Fac. historico-philologique, XXXV. 1, Sofia 1939.


BESHEVLIEV, V. and IRMSCHER, J., eds. Antike und Mittelalter in Bulgarien, Berlin, 1960. (Berliner Byz. Arbeiten, Bd 21.)


BURMOV, A. Izbrani proizvedeniya v tri toma (Selected writings, in three volumes). Tom. I, etc. Sofia, 1968- . (Bulgarian, German and French texts. Vol. I contains 22 articles and monographs, including materials on the origins of the Proto-Bulgars.)


DANOV, KHR. ‘Social and economic evolution of the Ancient Thracians in Homeric, Archaic and Classical times’, in Études Historiques à l’occasion du XIe Congrès International des Sciences Historiques - Stockholm, 1960, Sofia 1960, pp. 3-29.


DENISOV, P. V. Etno'kul’turnye paralleli dunai'skikh Bolgar i Chuvashei (The ethno-cultural parallels of the Danube Bulgars and the Chuvash), Cheboksary 1969. (Russian.)


DUICHEV (DUJČEV), I. ‘Les Slaves et Byzance’, in Études Historiques à l’occasion du XIe Congrès International des Sciences Historiques - Stockholm, août 1960, Sofia 1960, pp. 31-77.


GIMBUTAS, M. The Slavs. (Ancient Peoples and Places), London 1971.


HENSEL, W. Die Slawen im frühen Mittelalter, Berlin 1965.


KOLEDAROV, P. S. ‘Settlement structure of the Bulgarian Slavs in their transition from a clan to a territorial community’, in Byzantino-Bulgarica, tom. 3, Sofia 1969, pp. 125-32.





MACARTNEY, C. A. Article ‘Petchenegs’, in Encyclopaedia Britannica, 14th edn, vol. 17.


MINORSKY, V., trans. and ed. udūd al‘Ālam (The Regions of the World), a Persian Geography, 572 AH-982 AD. Preface by V. V. Barthold, London 1937.


MORAVCSIK, G. Byzantinoturcica. 2 vols, 2nd edn, Berlin 1958.


NÉMETH, J. La provenance du nom Bulgar, Winnipeg 1964. (Onomastica, No. 28.)


PRITSAK, O. Die Bulgarische Fürstenliste und die Sprache der Protobulgaren, Wiesbaden 1955. (Ural-Altaische Bibliothek, No. 1)


PROCOPIUS, Gotenkriege, edited and translated by Otto Veh, Munich 1966.


ROGEV, B. ‘Fondement astronomique de l’ère protobulgare’, in Etudes Balkaniques, 1969, no. 3, pp- 72-94.


Rybakov, B. A. ed. Ocherki Istorii SSSR. Krizis rabovladel'cheskoi sistemy i zarozhdenie feodalizma na territorii SSSR, III- IX vv. (Studies in the History of the USSR. The crisis of the slave owning system and the birth of feudalism on the territory of the USSR, 3rd to 9th centuries AD), Moscow 1958. (Russian.)


TĂPKOVA-ZAIMOVA, V. Nashestviya i etnicheski promeni na Balkanite prez VI-VII v. (Invasions et changements ethniques dans les Balkans au VIe-VIIe siècle), Sofia 1966.

_____.  ‘Sur les rapports entre la population indigène des régions balkaniques et les “Barbares” au VIe-VIIe siècle’, in Byzantino-Bulgarica, tom. 1, Sofia 1962, pp. 67-78.


VASMER, M. Die Slaven in Griechenland, Berlin 1941.


VENEDIKOV, I. ‘Trois inscriptions proto-bulgares’, in Musée National Bulgare : Fouilles et Recherches, IV, Sofia 1949, pp. 167-87. (French text, Bulgarian summary.)





ADONTZ, N. ‘Samuel l’Arménien, roi des Bulgares’, in Etudes Arméno-Byzantines, Lisbon 1965, pp. 347-407. (Originally published in Mémoires publiés par l’Académie royale de Belgique, Bruxelles 1938.)


ANGELOV, D., GANDEV, KHR., and TODOROV, N., eds. Istoriya na Bălgariya (History of Bulgaria, in 3 vols). 2nd edn vol. 1, Sofia 1961.


BESHEVLIEV, V. ‘Les inscriptions du relief de Madara’, in Byzantinoslavica, Prague, vol. 16, 1955, pp. 214-254.

_____.  ‘Les inscriptions protobulgares et leur portée culturelle et historique’, in Byzantinoslavica, Prague, vol. 32/1, 1971, pp. 35-51.


BOZHKOV, A. Miniatyuri ot Madridskiya rakopis na Ioan Skilitsa (Miniatures from the Madrid manuscript of John Scylitzes), Sofia 1972.


BROWNING, R. Byzantium and Bulgaria. London, Berkeley, and Los Angeles 1975.


BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES - Institute of History. Byzantino-Bulgarica, tom. 1-3, etc., Sofia 1962-.


DIMITROV, D. I. ‘Rannebolgarskie nekropoli v Varnenskom raione’ (Early Bulgar cemeteries in the Varna region), in Mezhdunarodny Simpozium Slavyanskoi Arkheologii, 21-28 IV 1970 g. (International Symposium of Slavonic Archaeology, 21-28 April 1970), Sofia 1970. (Russian.)





DZHAMBOV, K. Arkheologicheski otkritiya za istoriyata na Plovdiv i Ploviivskiya krai (Archaeological discoveries on the history of Plovdiv and the Plovdiv region), Plovdiv 1964.

_____.  ‘Prinos kam prouchvane na slavyanskata keramika v Plovdivskiya krai’ (Contribution to the study of Slavonic pottery in the Plovdiv region), in GNAMP (Annual of the Plovdiv Archaeological Museum), IV, 1960.


DZHINGOV, G. ‘Gorodishche epokhi rannego srednevekov’ya u s. Styrmen v Bolgarii’ (The ruined town from the early medieval period close to the village of Styrmen in Bulgaria), in Sovetskaya Arkheologiya (Soviet Archaeology), Moscow 1968, No. 2, pp. 277-88. (Russian.)


GYUZELEV, V. Knyaz Boris parvi. Bălgariya prez vtorata polovim na IX vek (Prince Boris I. Bulgaria during the second half of the ninth century), Sofia 1969.


HUSSEY, J. M., ed. The Cambridge Medieval History. 2nd edn, vol. IV: The Byzantine Empire, parts 1 and 2, Cambridge, 1966-67. (See especially Chap. XI, ‘The Empire and its Northern Neighbours, 565-1018’ by D. Obolensky, with specialized bibliography and list of rulers.)


KOSEV, D., KHRISTOV, KH., and ANGELOV, D. Kratka Istoriya na Bălgariya (Brief history of Bulgaria). 2nd edn, Sofia 1969. (Useful also for other sections of the present work.)


LISHEV, S. Za pronikvaneto i rolyata na parite văv feodalna Bălgariya (On the penetration and the role of coined money in feudal Bulgaria), Sofia 1958.

_____.  Za stokovoto proizvodstvo văv feodalna Bălgariya (Production of marketable goods in feudal Bulgaria), Sofia 1957.


OSTROGORSKY, G. History of the Byzantine State, trans. by Joan Hussey. 2nd edn, Oxford 1968.


PAISIY HILENDARSKI. (Monk Paisi of Hilendar Monastery). Slavyano-Bălgarska istoriya (The Slavo-Bulgarian history), edited by P. Dinekov, Sofia 1972.


PRIMOV, B. ‘Certain aspects of the international importance of the First Bulgarian Empire’, in Etudes Historiques à l’occasion du XIII Congrès International des Sciences Historiques - Moscou, août 1970, tom. V, Sofia 1970, pp. 191-217.


RUNCIMAN, S. A History of the First Bulgarian Empire, London 1930.


SERGHERAERT, G. (Christian Gérard). Les Bulgares de la Volga et les Slaves du Danube, Paris 1939.

_____.  Syméon le Grand (893-927), Paris 1960.


STANCHEV, S., and others. Nadpisăt na Chărgubilya Mostich (The inscription of Chărgubilya Mostich), Sofia 1955.


TĂPKOVA-ZAIMOVA, V. ‘L’idée byzantine de l’unité du monde et l’état bulgare’, in Association Internationale d’Etudes du Sud-Est Européen: Actes du Premier Congres International des Etudes Balkaniques et Sud-Est Européennes, III, Sofia 1969, pp. 291- 298.


TOYNBEE, A. Constantine Porphyrogenitus and his world. Oxford 1973.


TZENOFF, G. Geschichte der Bulgaren und der anderen Südslaven von der römischen Eroberung der Balkanhalbinsel an bis zum Ende des neunten Jahrhunderts, Berlin and Leipzig 1935.





VĂZHAROVA, Z. Slavyano-Bălgarskoto selishte krai selo Popim, Silistrensko (The Slavo-Bulgarian settlement near the village of Popina in the Silistra Region), Sofia 1956.

_____.  Slavyanski i slavyanobălgarski selishta v bălgarskite zemi ot kraya na VI.-XI. vek (Slavonic and Slavo-Bulgarian settlements on Bulgarian territory from the end of the 6th up to the 11th century), Sofia 1965.


ZAIMOV, Y. Bitolski nadpis na Ivan Vladislav, Samodărzhets Bălgarski, etc. (The Bitolja inscription of Ivan Vladislav, the Bulgarian Autocrat. An Old Bulgarian monument, 1015/1016), Sofia 1970.


ZLATARSKI, V. N. Istoriya na Bălgarskata dărzhava prez srednite vekove, tom. 1 : Părvo Bălgarsko tsarstvo (History of the Bulgarian State in the Middle Ages, vol. 1: The First Bulgarian Empire). Pt I, 2, Sofia 1918, 1927. (Later reprinted, various dates.)





ANDREEV, M., and ANGELOV, D. Istoriya na bălgarskata feodalna dărzhava i pravo (History of the Bulgarian feudal state and legal system), 4th edn, Sofia 1972.


ANGELOV, D. ‘Die bulgarischen Länder and das bulgarische Volk in den Grenzen des byzantinischen Reiches im XI.-XII. Jahrhundert (1018-1185)’, in Proceedings of the XIIIth International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Oxford, 5-10 September 1966, London 1967, pp. 151-75.


BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES - Institute of History. Documents and Materials on the history of the Bulgarian People, Sofia 1969.


CARTER, F. W. Dubrovnik (Ragusa): a classic city state, London and New York (See especially the chapter entitled ‘Balkan trade through Dubrovnik, 1358—1500’.)


DUICHEV (DUJČEV), I. Bălgarsko srednovekovie, etc. (Studies in the political and cultural history of medieval Bulgaria), Sofia 1972.


GORINA, L. v. Sotsial’no-ekonomicheskie otnosheniya vo vtorom bolgarskom tsartve (Social and economic relationships under the Second Bulgarian Empire), Moscow 1972. (Russian.)


HEYD, W. Histoire du Commerce du Levant au Moyen-Age, edition française . . . par Furcy Raynaud, 2 vols, Leipzig 1885—86: reprinted Amsterdam 1959.


HUSSEY, J. M. ed. The Cambridge Medieval History. 2nd edn, vol. IV: The Byzantine Empire, parts 1 and 2, Cambridge, 1966- 67. (See especially chap. XII, ‘The Balkans, 1018-1499’, by M. Dinic, with specialized bibliography and list of rulers.)


IL’INSKY, G. A. Gramoty bolgarskikh carey. (Charters of the Bulgarian tsars), re-printed with introduction by Ivan Dujcev, London 1970.


KOLEDAROV, P. S. ‘Nai-ranni spomenavaniya na Bălgarite vărkhu starinnite karti’ (The earliest references to the Bulgarians on ancient maps), in Izvestiya (Bulletin) of the Historical Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, tom. 20, 1968, pp. 219-54.


LISHEV, S. Bălgarskiyat srednevekoven grad. Obshtestveno-ikonomicheski oblik (The Bulgarian medieval town. Social and economic outline), Sofia 1970.





LITAVRIN, G. G. Bolgariya i Vizantiya v XI-XII v. (Bulgaria and Byzantium in the 11th-12th centuries), Moscow 1960. (Russian.)


METCALF, D. M. Coinage in the Balkans, 820-1355 Thessaloniki 1965.


MUSHMOV, N. A. Monetite i pechatite na bălgarskite tsare. Numismatique et sigillographie bulgares, Sofia 1924.


MUTAFCHIEV, P. Istoriya na bălgarski narod. (History of the Bulgarian people). 2nd edn, edited by Ivan Duichev, 2 vols, Sofia 1943-44.

_____.  Izbrani proizvedeniya v dva toma (Selected historical writings, in 2 vols), edited by D. Angelov, Sofia 1973.


MUTAFCHIEV A. V. Poslednite Shishmanovtsi (The last of the Shishman dynasty), Sofia 1969.


NIKOV, P. Bălgaro-ungarski otnosheniya ot 1237 do 1233 godina (Bulgarian-Hungarian relations from 1257 to 1277), Sofia 1919. (Offprint from Bk 11 of the Sbornik of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.)


PRiMOV, B. ‘The Papacy, the Fourth Crusade and Bulgaria’, in Byzantino' Bulgarica, tom. I, 1962, pp. 183-211.


SETTON, K. M., general ed. A History of the Crusades. Vol. II, Philadelphia 1962.


SKAZKIN, S. D., chief ed. Istoriya Vizantii v trekh tomakh (History of Byzantium, in 3 vols), Moscow 1967. (Russian.)


SWEENEY, J. R. ‘Basil of Trnovo’s Journey to Durazzo’, in Slavonic and East European Review, vol. LI, no. 122, January 1973. pp. 118-23.


TSANKOVA-PETKOVA, G. Za agrarnite otnosheniya v srednovekovna Bălgariya (XI- XIII v.) - Sur les rapports agraires en Bulgarie au Moyen Age (Xl-XIIIe S.), Sofia 1964.


WOLFF, R. L. ‘The “Second Bulgarian Empire”. Its origin and history to 1204’, in Speculum, (Cambridge, Mass.), Vol. XXIV, April, 1949, No. 2, pp. 167-206.


ZLATARSKI, V. N. Istoriya na Bălgarskata dărzhava prez srednite vekove, tom. 2: Bălgariya pod vizantiysko vladichestvo (1018- 1187) (History of the Bulgarian State in the Middle Ages, vol. 2: Bulgaria under Byzantine domination, 1018-1187), Sofia 1934.

_____.  tom. 3 : Vtoro Bălgarska tsarstvo : Bălgariya pri Asenevtsi (1183-1280) (The Second Bulgarian Empire: Bulgaria under the Assen dynasty, 1187-1280), Sofia 1940. (Both later reprinted, various dates.)

_____.  Izbrani proizvedeniya v cheteri toma (Selected historical writings in 4 vols), edited by Petăr Petrov, vol. 1, etc., Sofia 1972-.

_____.  Sbornik v chest na Vasil N. Zlatarski (Festschrift in honour of V. N. Zlatarski: Essays on Bulgarian history, by his colleagues and pupils), Sofia 1925.





ANGELOV, D. Bogomilstvoto v Bălgariya (Bogomilism in Bulgaria), Sofia 1969.

_____.  ‘Le mouvement bogomile dans les pays balkaniques et son influence en Europe occidentale’, in Actes du Colloque International de Civilisations Balkaniques, Sinaia, juillet 1962, pp. 173-82.

_____.  ‘Rationalistic Ideas of a Medieval Heresy’, in: Georgiev, E. and others, Bulgaria's Share in Human Culture, Sofia 1968, pp. 55-86.





ANGELOV, D., PRIMOV, B., and BATAKLIEV, G. Bogomilstvoto v Bălgariya, Vizantiya i Zapadna Europa v izvori (Bogomilism in Bulgaria, Byzantium and Western Europe in original sources), Sofia 1967.


BEGUNOV, Y. K. Kozma Presviter v slavyanskikh literaturakh (Cosmas the Priest in the Slavonic literatures), Sofia 1973. (Russian.)


BIHALJI-MERIN, O. and BENAC, A. The Bogomils, London 1964.


COMNENA, PRINCESS ANNA. The Alexiad. Trans. Elizabeth A. S. Dawes, London 1928; reprinted 1967.


GARSOÏAN, N. G. The Paulician Heresy, The Hague and Paris 1967.


IVANOV, Y. Bogomilski knigi i legendi (Bogomil books and legends), Sofia 1925, reprinted 1970.


OBOLENSKY, D. The Bogomils, A Study in Balkan neo-Manichaeism, Cambridge 1948.


PRIMOV, B. Bugrite. Kniga za pop Bogomil i negovite Posledovateli (The Bougres. A book about Priest Bogomil and his followers), Sofia 1970.

_____.  ‘Medieval Bulgaria and the Dualistic Heresies in Western Europe’, in Etudes Historiques à l’occasion du XIe Congrès International des Sciences Historiques - Stockholm, août 1969, Sofia 1960, pp. 79-106.


PUECH, H. C. and VAILLANT, A. Le Traité contre les Bogomiles de Cosmas le Prêtre, Paris 1945.


RUNCIMAN, s. The Medieval Manichee: A Study of the Christian Dualist Heresy, Cambridge 1947, reprinted 1955, 1960.


TOPENTCHAROV, V. Bou(l)grès et Cathares: Deux brasiers - une même flamme, Paris 1971.


ZAITSEV, V. K. Bogomilskoe dvizhenie obshchestvennaya zhizn Severnoi Italii epokhi duchento (The Bogomil movement and social life in Northern Italy in the 12th century), Minsk 1967. (Russian.)





ANGELOV, B. ST. Iz starata bălgarska, ruska i srabska literatura (Studies in Old Bulgarian, Russian and Serbian literature), bk 2, Sofia 1967.


BDINSKI ZBORNIK. Old Slavonic menologium, AD 1360. Facsimile edition, Codex Gandavensis 408, with a presentation by Ivan Dujčev. London 1972.


BOGDANOV, I. Patriarkh Evtimy (Patriarch Euthymius), Sofia 1971.


BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Tărnovska knizhovna shkola, 1371-1971. Mezhdunaroden Simposium. (The Tărnovo literary school, 1371-1971. An international symposium), Sofia 1974.


CLEMENT OF OHRIDA, SAINT. Grătskite zhitiya na Kliment Ohridski (The Greek biographies of Clement of Ohrida), edited by A. Milev, Sofia 1966.

_____.  Kliment Okhridski. Materiali za negovoto chestvuvane po sluchai 1050 godini ot smărtta mu (Clement of Ohrida. Materials to commemorate the 1050th anniversary of his death). Bulgarian Academy of Sciences: Sofia 1968.

_____.  Kliment Okhridski. Sbornik ot statii po sluchai 1050 godini ot smărtta mu (Clement of Ohrida. Collection of articles on the occasion of the 1050th anniversary of his death), Sofia 1966.

_____.  Săbrani sachineniya (Collected writings, critical edition), edited by B. St. Angelov, K. M. Kuev and Khr. Kodov, vol. I, etc. Sofia 1970 - (in progress).





CONSTANTINE MANASSES. Letopista na Konstantin Manasi (Chronicle or ‘Historiccal Synopsis’), facsimile edition of the illuminated Vatican manuscript of the Slavonic version, edited by Ivan Duichev, Sofia 1963.


CYRIL AND METHODIUS, SAINTS. Konstantin-Kiril Filosof. Yubileen sbornik po sluchai 1100-godishninata ot smărtta mu (Constantine-Cyril the Philosopher. A jubilee symposium on the occasion of the 1100th anniversary of his death). Issued by the Institute of Literature of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia 1969.


L’Oeuvre de Constantin'Cyrille le Philosophe: Monographies. Sofia, n.d. (about 1969).


DANCHEV, G. Vladislav Gramatik : Knizhovnik i pisatel (Vladislav the Grammarian. A study of the 15th-century Bulgarian scribe and author), Sofia 1969.


DINEKOV, P., chief ed. Istoriya na bălgarskata literatura, tom. 1 : Starobălgarskata literatura (History of Bulgarian literature. Vol. 1: Old Bulgarian literature), Sofia 1963.

_____.  Starobălgarski stranitsi. Antologiya (Pages of Old Bulgarian literature, an anthology), Sofia 1966.


DRAGOVA, N. Kliment Okhridski (St Clement of Ohrida), Sofia 1966.


DUJČEV (DUICHEV), I. Slavia Orthodoxa: collected studies in the history of the Slavic Middle Ages, reprinted, London 1972.

_____.  ed. Bononski Psaltir. Bălgarski knizhoven pametnik ot XIII vek (Psalterium Bononiense. A Bulgarian literary monument of the 13th century), Sofia 1968.


DVORNIK, F. Byzantine missions among the Slavs, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, New Jersey 1970.


EUTHYMIUS, PATRIARCH OF BULGARIA. Werke des Patriarchen von Bulgarien Euthymius (1375-1393), nach den besten Handshriften herausgegeben von Emil Kaluzniacki, Vienna 1901; reprinted, with introduction by Ivan Dujcev, London 1971.


GEORGIEV, E., ed. “Pokhvalno slovo za Evtimy" ot Grigory Tsamblak (The Eulogy of Patriarch Euthymius, by Gregory Tsamblak), Sofia 1972.


GOSHEV, I. Rilski glagolicheski listove. (The Rila glagolitic folios), Sofia 1956.

_____.  Starobălgarski glagolicheski i kirilski nadpisi ot IX i X v. (Old Bulgarian Glagolitic and Cyrillic inscriptions from the 9th and 10th centuries); Sofia 1961.


IL’INSKY, G. A. Opyt sistematicheskoi Kirillo-Mefod’evskoi bibliografii (Attempt at a systematic bibliography of Saints Cyril and Methodius), Sofia 1934. (Russian.)


IVANOVA, A. Troyanski Damaskin. Bălgarski pametnik ot XVII vek (The Troyan codex of the writings of Damaskenos Studites. A Bulgarian monument of the 17th century), Sofia 1967.


IVANOVA-KONSTANTINOVA, K. ‘Pălen tekst na Slovoto za Sretenie ot Ioan Ekzarkh’ (The complete text of the Homily on Candlemas by John the Exarch), in Izvestiya (Bulletin) of the Institute of Bulgarian Language of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, bk 20, Sofia 1971, pp. 239-62.


JOHN THE EXARCH (Ioan Ekzarkh Bălgarski). Slova (Homilies), edited by Dora Ivanova-Mircheva. tom. 1, etc. Sofia 1971.


KALUŽNIACKI, E. Aus der panegyrischen Litteratur der Südslaven. Vienna, 1901, reprinted London 1971.





KAWERAU, P. Das Christentum des Ostens, Stuttgart 1972.


KODOV, KHR. Opis na slavyanskite räkopisi v Bihliotekata na Bălgarskata Akaiemiya na Naukite (Description of the Slavonic manuscripts in the library of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), Sofia 1970.


KUEV, K. M. Chernorizets Khrabdr (A study of the Old Bulgarian writer), Sofia 1967.


KUSSEFF, M. Article, ‘Old Bulgarian Literature’, in The Penguin Companion to Literature, vol. 2, Harmondsworth, 1969, pp. 577-81, with bibliography.


MEYENDORFF, J. Byzantine Hesychasm : historical, theological and social problems, London 1974.


MIRCHEV, K., and KODOV, KHR. Eninski Apostol. Starobălgarski pametnik ot XI vek (The Codex Eninensis, or Enina Praxapostolus, an Old Bulgarian monument of the 11th century), Sofia 1965.


MOSER, c. A. A History of Bulgarian Literature, 86 ,-1944. The Hague and Paris 1972.


OBOLENSKY, D. Byzantium and the Slavs : collected studies, London 1971.


PANDURSKI, V., and BOSSILKOV, S. Cyril and Methodius in Rome, Sofia 1970.


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Painting and Manuscript Illumination


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