The Balkan league

I. E. Gueshoff


The Balkan league


By I. E. Gueshoff


Formerly Prime minister of Bulgaria


Translated by Constantin C. Mincoff

First secretary at the Bulgarian legation



John Murray, Albemarle street 1915


Printed by Hasell, Watson & Viney, Ld., London and Aylesbury, England

All Rights Reserved





Preface to the English Edition v

Preface to the Original Edition ix


CHAPTER I. The Conclusion of the Balkan Alliance 1

1. Serbo-Bulgarian Treaty 10

2. Greco-Bulgarian Treaty 36

3. Montenegrin - Bulgarian Understanding 41


CHAPTER II. The Eve of the Balkan War 43


CHAPTER III. The Relations of the Allies during the Balkan War 61







CHAPTER IV. The Dissolution of the Balkan Alliance 89

1. The First Serbo-Bulgarian War 94

2. The Second Serbo-Bulgarian War 99

3. Facsimile of the Proclamation of King Peter 103



APPENDIX. The Treaties and Conventions of Bulgaria with Serbia and Greece 112

1. Treaty of Friendship and Alliance with Serbia 112

2. Secret annex to the Treaty 114

3. Military Convention between Bulgaria and Serbia 117

4. Agreement between the Bulgarian and Serbian General Staffs 122

5. Opinions of the Representatives of the General Staffs 124

6. Agreement between the Bulgarian and Serbian General Staffs 126

7. Treaty of Defensive Alliance between Bulgaria and Greece 127





8. Military Convention between Bulgaria and Greece 130

9. Memoir of the Bulgarian Government on the Serbo-Bulgarian Arbitration 133


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