The Middle Ages
Information from Procopius Caesarienses1
about a Slav attack on the Balkan Peninsula, in the region of Nis and
6th c.
While in the
Illyrian town of Serdica (Sofia) Germanus was gathering and arming a
host and
was most diligently preparing everything for the war2, the
land of
the Byzantines was invaded by Slavs in numbers never previously seen.3
crossed the river Isterus (the Danube) and came to Nis. When several of
strayed from their camp and went wandering each by himself around the
there, they were captured and bound by some Byzantines, who asked them
why and
with what intent that Slav force had crossed the river Isterus. They
that they had come to lay siege to Thessalonica itself and the towns
around it.
On hearing that, the Emperor was much alarmed and wrote to Germanus to
forthwith the march on Italy, and to defend Thessalonica and the other
and to repel the Slav attack with all his might. And Germanus set to
work. But
the Slavs took fright on learning from the prisoners that Germanus was
Serdica, for he had gained a name among those barbarians for the
reason: When Germanus's uncle, Justinian,4 began to rule,
the Antae,
who lived very close to the Slavs, had crossed the river Isterus with a
army and invaded the Byzantine land. Not long before that, the Emperor
appointed Germanus strategus of the whole of Thrace. It was he that had
battle with the enemy army, and routed it completely, killing almost
all. With
this victory, Germanus became famous among all people and especially
those barbarians. That is why the Slavs, as I said, fearing him and
believing that he was in command of a very great army, for he had been
sent by
the Emperor against Totila and the Goths, immediately gave up their
march on
Thessalonica and no longer dared to descend onto the plain, but crossed
all the
Illyrian mountains and reached Dalmatia.
Caesariensis Opera omnia, rec. J. Haury, I-III,
Lipsiae 1905-1913, pp. 475-477; cp. Greek Sources on Bulgarian History,
pp. 134-135; the original is in Greek
1 A
Byzantine chronicler of the 6th c., author of works on the age of
2 The war which was
prepared against the Goths, who were led by Totila
3 The Slav invasion
of the year
4 Justinian I, a
Emperor (R. 527-565)
Information from
John of Ephesus1 on
the settlement of Slavs in the Balkan Peninsula
6th c.
In the third
following the death of Justinian and the accession of Tiberius
to the throne, the accursed Slav people appeared and conquered the
whole of
Hellas, the area around Thessalonica and the whole of Thrace. They
many towns and fortresses, plundered and laid waste the country with
fire and
the sword, and lorded it there as freely as in their own country. This
for four years, while the Emperor was fighting the Persians. That
is why they
lorded it over the country until God chased them away. Their plundering
as far as the outer wall.3 All of the Emperor's herds became
spoil. And even now they live carefree and fearless in the
provinces, pillaging, murdering and burning. They have become rich, and
have gold and silver, whole herds of horses and numerous weapons. They
learned to wage war better than the Byzantines.
von Ephesus,
Kirchengeschichte. Aus dem Syrischen von Schonfalder, Munchcn 1862. See
K. Irecek, History of the
Bulgarians, pp. 58-59.
1 John of Ephesus, a
chronicler who lived in Constantinople between 558 and 575
2 Tiberius, a Byzantine Emperor
(R. 578-582)
3 The wall was built
by Emperor
Anastasius I early in the 6th c. to protect Constantinople from Slav,
Proto-Bulgar and other raids. It reaches from Derkos on the Black Sea
Silimbria on the Sea of Marmara
Information about the miracle of St.
Demetrius of Thessalonica and the settlement of the Proto-Bulgars Maurus and Kouber1
on the Bitola plain
7th c.
On the
internecine war secretly plotted against our town by the Bulgarians
Maurus and
As you
Christ-loving people, in the preceding chapters we told you in part
about the
Slavs, i.e. about he who is called Hatson and about the Avars.2
also related how they devastated almost all Illyricum, namely its
the two Pannonias, also the two Dacias, Dardania, Moesia, Praevalitana,
and all other provinces, besides Thrace and the lands by the Long Wall
Constantinople, and the remaining towns and settlements as well. They3
carried off the whole population to the land lying beyond, towards Pannonia by the
River.4 The main town of that province was once that which
is called
Syrmium.5 And so, there, as we have said, the
above-mentioned hagan
settled all the captive people,6 already as his dependents.
It was from
that time that they mixed with the Bulgarians, Avars and other tribes
became a huge and numerous people. Every child inherited from his
father his
inborn qualities and their people's passion for the Byzantine lands ...
And so,
victoriously crossed the aforesaid Danube River with all the
people who were with him, came to our lands and took possession of the
Keremissian plain.7 Having settled there, they wanted to
return to
their native towns, chiefly because they had retained their Orthodox
some - to our town of Thessalonica, protected by the martyr, others, to
most fortunate town and queen of cities,8 and still others,
to the
other towns of Thrace.
Sancti Demetrii, ed. Byeus: AASS, octobris IV, p.
179 C -180 DE; cf. Greek Sources of Bulgarian History, III, pp.158
-159; the
original is in Greek
1 Kouber, the
Proto-Bulgar chief
appointed by the hagan (Khan) of the Avars to head the captured Slw
who had already mixed with the Proto-Bulgars, the Avars and other
2 i.e. a reference
to the third
Avaro-Slav assault on Thessalonica. Hatson was a Slav chieftain
3 i.e. the Avars.
4 Probably at the beginning of
the 7th c.
5 The Old Bulgarian
Srem, today
Sremska Mitrovitsa.
6 Mainly Slavs
7 Most probably the
present plain
of Bitola
8 i.e. Constantinople
Information from the Byzantine writer
Ioannes Cameniata1 about some settlements on the plain of
Thessalonica paying taxes to the Bulgarian (Scythian) people
9th-10th c.
In the middle
this plain there are some mixed settlements: some of them pay taxes to
the town
(Thessalonica) - these are the so-called Dragoviti and Sagoudati;2
other settlements pay taxes to the neighbouring Scythian people,3 situated
nearby. Moreover, the settlements are situated in close proximity to
other. They are in contact with the Scythians through trading. This, in
to the other circumstances, is of great benefit to the people of
particularly when they are in good relations with each other and are
not in
arms for a cruel war. For a long time in the past this used to be a
matter of
concern for both sides. They exchange things mutually essential for a
joint way
of life, preserving a marvelous and profound peace with each other. Big
come from the country of the Scythians and, by dividing the
plain, bring great abundance to the town through the revenue from
fishing and
through passage of ships from the sea up the rivers. These ships
ensure a
varied flow of goods along these rivers.
Cameniatae De excidio Thessalonicensi, ed. Bonn.,
pp.495 - 496; V, p.22; the original is in Greek
1 Ioannes Cameniata,
a citizen of
Thessalonica, who witnessed the Arab conquest of the city in 904.
Author of the
book The Capture of Thessalonica
2 Slav tribes
3 i.e. the Bulgarians
Excerpt from the second Life of Nahum
concerning the arrival of the disciples of Cyril and Methodius in the
lands, and the big monastery and church built by Nahum in Ohrid on the
of the Bulgarian Tsar Boris
10th c.
Great Father Nahum grew up in Moesia1 and, in
accordance with the
education /which he received/ from his noble parents, he regarded
wealth and all as the weeds of the field, and he joined Constantine the
Philosopher and his brother Methodius, equal to the Apostles, who went
teaching the Moesian and Dalmatian peoples and he followed them
even as far as ancient Rome ...
After the
death of
Methodius, the archbishopric was assumed by a Latin named Viglisco.2
Being filled with the heresy of Macedonius and Appolinarius,3 he
corrupted the whole teaching of Methodius and he greatly tortured his
and put them in dungeons and chains. And when the saints prayed to God,
was a mighty earthquake, and a second time and a third, and everybody
ran out
of their homes, and the doors of the dungeons were flung open and the
chains on
arms and legs were torn asunder. And all marveled at this miracle and
the saints great. But the heathens attributed it to Beelzebub, as the
did with my Christ, and with great torture they chased them away from
And they
shook the
dust from off their feet, as it is said in the Scriptures, and they
came to the
lands near the Danube. And there, after they had raised by prayer the
dead only
son of a certain nobleman and had enlightened his household, together
with many
other /people/ from the village, for which reason they were greatly
honoured by
all, they at once departed for the great river Danube. There, with
prayer and a
heavenly miracle they tied three trees with virgin's flower, called on
the name
of the Holy Trinity and crossed the river and came to Belgrade.4
there they were greatly honoured by Knyaz Radislav,5 and
they gave
blessing and joy. Thus, some went towards Moesia, and others to
Dalmatia and Dacia,
and everywhere
they multiplied the word of God a hundred-fold.
Nahum and
came to the Illyrian and Lichnidian countries. In Devolski Livan, at
the far
end of the lake of Ohrid city, between the two rivers, Nahum built a
monastery and church dedicated to the hierarchal Archangel Michael and
heavenly powers, with the means and on the orders of the pious
Bulgarian Tsar
Mihail Boris and his son. Tsar Simeon, and that was in the year 6413 /=
And, having done everything to please God, the blessed Nahum died there
at a
great age and rendered up his soul into the hands of God on the 23rd
day of
December,6 and his venerable body was prepared and anointed
by the
godly hands of Christ's Bishop Clement of Ohrid and was laid with honours in a grave in the
right wing of the church. God glorified him with great miracles and he
all illnesses and ulcers and casts out devils.
Ivanov, Bulgarian Antiquities in Macedonia, Naouka i
Izkoustvo Publ., 1970, p.313.; Ivan Duichev, Old Bulgarian Literature,
1943, pp.62-65; the original is in Old Bulgarian
1 i.e. Bulgaria
2 Bishop Wieching,
German by
birth, who came to head the Moravian Church following Methodius' death
3 Macedonius and
were followers of the Arian faith, according to which the Holy Father
and the
Holy Son were not a unity
4Those who arrived in Belgrade
were the
disciples of Cyril and Methodius - Clement, Nahum, Gorazd and Angelarius
5The Bulgarian
ruler in Belgrade
6 Nahum died on
December 23, 910
A charter of Romanus II1 shows
that the Slav were already being called Bulgarians
To the
Kolovou Monastery were donated 40 paroikoi exempt from tax in exchange
for the
small plots of land which had for a long time belonged to the monastery
in the
area around Ieriso.2 These paroikoi come from the
settled there.
Императ. Археолог. Общества, V, кол. 17; Yordan
Ivanov, The Bulgarians in Macedonia, Sofia, 1917 p. 123;
the original is in Greek.
1Emperor of
Byzantium (959-963)
2 Ieriso is a town
in the Chalcidice
Tsar Samuil’s Inscription in memoriam of
his family
In the name
of the
Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I, Samuil, God's servant, write on
cross in memory of /my/ father and /my/ mother and /my/ brother. These
are the
names of the dead: God's servant Nikola, /Rypsimia and/ David. Written
in the
year of the Creation 6501 /= 993/ indiction 6.
Ivanov, Bulgarian Antiquities in Macedonia, Naouka i
Izkoustvo Publ., Sofia, 1970, p.25; the original is in Old Bulgarian
The Byzantine historian Leo Grammaticus
states that in the Middle Ages the name 'Macedonia' denoted part of
10th - 11th c.
After Kroum
seized Adrianople, 1 he brought across the Danube and
settled by the
river many noble Macedonians and extremely large numbers of people ...
out for Adrianople, he captured it and transferred from there 12,000 men, not
counting the
women and children, and settled them along the Danube ... The people,
with the women and children, decided to cross over into Romania2
And so the Macedonians despaired, made Tsants and Cordilas their
leaders and,
engaging in battle, killed many and took some into captivity. The
who could not cross over, fled to the Ugri,3 telling them
about the Macedonians ... On the next day, when they wanted to set out,
Huns4 again appeared to fight against them. Then another
by the name of Leo,
of the family of the Gimostes, who afterwards became Heteriarch, rose
up in
arms together with other prominent Macedonians. They put them to flight
chased them away. Returning, they came on board the ships and fled to
Emperor. They were favoured by him and returned to Macedonia, to their
Grammatici Chronographia, ed. Bonn., 1842, pp.208,
231-233; the original is in Greek
1 Adrianople was
seized in 813
2 Under Romania here
are designated the
European parts of Byzantium, i.e. Thrace
3 i.e.
the Hungarians.
4 i.e.
the Hungarians.
5 i.e.
Thrace with Adrianople as its centre
The Western writer Thietmarus reports on
the Bulgarian envoys to Emperor Otto I
After this he
/Otto I/1 went to Quedlinburg where he stayed to spend the
Easter in church celebrations and worldly pleasures. There on the
orders were assembled the Princes Mieszko and Boleslaw and the envoys
of the
Greeks, the Beneventians, the Hungarians, the Bulgarians, the Danes and
Slavs2 together with all notables from the entire Kingdom.
settling everything in a peaceful fashion, they returned to their
pleased and loaded with bountiful gifts.
Chronicon, MGH, SS, m, p.753; Latin Sources
of Bulgarian History,
II, pp.349 -350; the original is in Latin
1 Otto I, German
Emperor (R.
936-973). The arrival of Bulgarian envoys at his court shows that in that time Bulgaria was not
conquered. The Bulgarian envoys went at the request of the Kometopouli
brothers: David, Moisei (Moses), Aaron and Samuil.
These are the Western Slavs
The Inscription of die Bulgarian Tsar Ivan
Vladislav1 concerning a fortress which he built in Bitola
11th c.
/In the year
(= 1015) from the creation of the world this fortress was erected/
built and
made by Ivan Autocrat of the Bulgarians with the help and prayers of
Sovereign, the Holy Mother of God, and the intercession of the Twelve
and of /the
two/ supreme apostles. This fortress was made /as/ a sanc/tuary/, for
salvation and the life of the Bulgarians. The Bitola fortress was begun in the
month of
October on the 20th /day/ and was completed in the month ... at the end
... was
Bulgarian by birth ...
Bourmov, A Newly-Found Old Bulgarian Inscription in the
People's Republic of Macedonia, review Plamuk, No. 10, year III, 1959,
p. 84.
Zaimov, the Bitola Inscription of Ivan Vladislav,
Bulgarian Tsar, an Old Bulgarian Monument
of the years 1015-1016, Published by the Bulgarian
Academy of Sciences), Sofia, 1970,
pp.33-34 .
V. Moshnin, The Bitola Plaque of 1017, Makedonski Yazik
review, year XVII, 1966, pp.51 61;
original is in Old Bulgarian
1 Ivan
Vladislav, Bulgarian Tsar (1015-1018)
Information by the Byzantine writer
Cecaumenus1 about the Bulgarians in Macedonia and about the
Bulgarian tsars Samuil and Ivan Vladislav
11th c.
... In everything
help the needy.
And truly, the rich man is god for the poor
man, because he favours him. It is for this reason that the Bulgarians
call the wealthy bogat (rich), which
means bogopodoben (god-like) ...
is a
coastal town in Hellas, protected by the sea and by the adjacent
Delyan (a Bulgarian toparchos) conquered it. After seizing the town, he sent there the old
warrior Litovoy of Devol, experienced in military matters (in the
language of
the Bulgarians the strategus is called chelnik) and provided
him with
troops for the protection of the fortress ...
If the enemy remains within the fortress
and does not come out, and you do not know what troops he has, take it
from me
that he is not numerous and that he lacks strength. Nevertheless, you
not underrate him, and if you have troops, do not allow him to relax
but send
light horsemen to find a way through which troops can sweep over him
... And
when you find a road, do not come out into the open but stay facing
him, and
send troops to penetrate through the way you have discovered. Let them
have an
able man as a guide. When they get in, let them make a fire, if it is
the night, but, if they get in during the day, let them make smoke. And
out! When you see that they are perplexed and confused, you should
pounce on
them. It was in this way that, in the gorge of Zagora, the
Emperor Lord Basil2
captured fourteen thousand Bulgarians, headed by the excellent
warrior Samuil.
If you set
out to
fight against some people or some fortress, first of all, after you
settled and built a camp, arrange the troops in the camp - each in his
unit. Do
not set up your camp very near lest you be observed by them. After you
settled your troops and have rested, then if you wish, begin the
battle, either
against the population or against the fortress. Hear, in fact, how
badly those
fared who did not observe this rule. Thessalonica is a town ...
populous ...
setting out/ with a great multitude of Bulgarians, so as to conquer it,
did not
put up his tent first, settling his troops in a suitable place but, as
he was
proceeding with the supply-column, approached the town walls and
started the
assault. His troops were exhausted from fatigue and the
difficulties, because
even those who are distinguished by their strength and soundness of
body may
become slack and inert when wearied from a long journey. And since he
did not
establish them in a camp, as I have mentioned, they scattered hither
thither, some wanting to drink water, others to give their horses some
and still others - to recover from their fatigue. When those inside the
fortress saw them wandering about in a disorderly manner, they came out
all of
a sudden, attacked the Bulgarians and inflicted a great defeat upon
them ...
While my
grandfather Cecaumenus was in Larissa as governor of Hellas, the
ruler Samuil often tried either by war or by stratagem to capture
Larissa but
failed, and was repulsed and outwitted by him...
Pliris is
with a wide valley spreading out on both sides of its banks. It flows
across the
land of the Wallachians, dividing it into two. Nikolitsa set up his
camp there,
gathered the Wallachians and the Bulgarians who lived nearby, and thus
collected numerous troops.
et Incerti scrtptoris de officiis regiis
Libellus, ed. B.Wassiliewsky - V. Jernstedt,Petropoli, 1896; Journal of
Historico-philological faculty, Part XXXVIII, pp. 3, 17-18, 28;
Историко-филолог. Факультета Императ. С.-петербургского университета,
часть XXXVIII, стр.. 3,17-18, 22, 28,
original is in Greek
1 Byzantine
writer. His grandfather on his mother's side was an eminent nobleman at
court of Samuil. Cecaumenus lived for a long time in the western parts
Bulgaria and knew Bulgarian well.
2 Basil II, called
Killer of Bulgarians (Bulgaroctonus), Byzantine
Emperor (976-1025), who conquered the whole of Bulgaria in 1018.
3 Son of Ivan
Charters granted by the Byzantine Emperor
Basil II (1019, 1020, 1020-1025) to the Bulgarian Church after his
conquest of
11th c.
First Charter
Many and
great are
the favours which man-loving God has at different times conferred upon
Empire and which surpass all number; the greatest of them is that the
State has expanded and that the State of the Bulgarians has passed
under one
yoke /with it/.
account of this we confirm the most pious monk Ioan1 to be
Archbishop of Bulgaria and to direct affairs relating to the
And since
for the kleroikoi and paroikoi 2
obliged to work for the churches of his diocese, as
well as for the bishops subordinate to him, to be determined in
writing, we
give him the present sigilium of our Majesty by which we order:
himself shall have, in the towns of his diocese,
i.e. in Ohrid,
Prespa, Mokro and in Kichevo, 40 kleroikoi and 30 paroikoi.
Second Charter
the issue of this sigilium referring to the scope of each
archbishopric, the holiest Archbishop of Bulgaria asked our Majesty to
another sigilium concerning his other bishoprics not listed in
the first
sigilium and the other bishoprics subordinate to him, because
neighbouring metropolitans had seized them from the Bulgarian region
and had
misappropriated them, and since our Majesty does not allow any one
of them or
of their people to make even one step into the boundaries of the
region, we therefore decree that the present most holy Archbishop shall
and govern all the Bulgarian bishoprics, as well as all other towns
which were
under the power of Tsar Peter and Samuil and were also held by the
of that time. Because it was not without blood, toil and sweat, but by
long persistence and with God's help that this country was granted in
subordination to us by God, whose goodness clearly helped us, blending
into one
the divided parts and putting under one yoke the boundaries, without in
any way
infringing the rules well established by those reigning before us.
although we became the possessor of the land, we still preserved its
intact, reaffirming them by our royal decrees and sigilia. We
also lay
down that the present most holy Archbishop of Bulgaria shall have a
diocese as
large as that under Tsar Peter, and that he shall possess and govern
bishoprics of Bulgaria, i.e. not only those mentioned in the first sigilium
but also those omitted and not indicated together with the others
and which
through the present sigilia are announced and listed by
name. To them,
as to the others, we present kleroikoi and paroikoi.
therefore, decree that the Bishop of Dristra3 shall have in
towns of his bishopric and in the other towns around it 40 kleroikoi
40 paroikoi. Because during the reign of Peter in Bulgaria
/bishopric/ shone with archiepiscopal dignity and then the archbishops
/of it/
moved from one place to another, one to Triaditsa,4 the
other to
Voden and Moglena, and after this we found the present Archbishop in
Wherefore /we decree/ that Ohrid itself shall have an archbishop, while
bishop shall be consecrated for Dristra.
We decree
that the
most holy Archbishop of Bulgaria shall possess not only those
mentioned by name but, if there be others situated in Bulgarian lands
and not
mentioned through oversight, we decree that he shall possess and govern
them as
well. Whatever other towns were omitted in the charters of our Majesty,
shall be possessed by the same Archbishop and he shall collect canonicon
from them all as well as from the Wallachians throughout Bulgaria and
from the
Turks around the Vardar insofar as they are within the Bulgarian
And all strategi
in Bulgaria and the other officials and archons shall hold him in great
and listen to his word and precepts, shall not interfere in the affairs
of any
Bulgarian monastery, church or any ecclesiastical matter whatsoever and
not obstruct either him or his subordinate God-fearing bishops and
shall not
hinder them, lest such people draw upon themselves the great and
wrath of our Majesty.
For this
and for the information of the Emperors after us, we drew up this sigilium
and gave it to the most holy Archbishop, stamping it with the
molybdovoul of
our Kingdom in the month of May, indiction 3, year 6528 /1020/.
Ivanov, Bulgarian antiquities in Macedonia, Sofia,
1931, pp.547-562; cf. ГИБИ, VI, pp.40-41,
44-47; the original is in Greek.
Third Charter
The present sigilium
of our Majesty5 is
given to the most holy Archbishopric of Bulgaria, so that it may,
without let
or hindrance, take possession of the following bishoprics, namely
those of
Servia, Stag6 and
Berrhoea, because they, too, lie within the Bulgarian boundaries. With
present sigilium we attached them to the remaining bishoprics
subordinated them to the Archbishopric of Bulgaria, and decided to
endow them
also with kleroikoi and paroikoi:
to the Bishop
Stag, 12 paroikoi and 12 kleroikoi.
to the Bishop
Berrhoea, 30 paroikoi and 30 kleroikoi.
to the
bishopric they were given according to the first sigilium, and this is not to be interfered with.
Ivanov, Bulgarian Antiquities in Macedonia, Sofia,
1931, pp. 547-562; cf. ГИБИ, VI, pp. 40-41,
44-47; the original is in Greek
1 Bulgarian
acknowledged by Basil II as “Archbishop of Bulgaria.” He was probably a Bulgarian from Debur
2 Kleroikoi and paroikoi
were dependent persons
3 Present-day Silistra
4 Present-day Sofia
5 According to
Novakovic. Opus
cit, p. 62: this charter also dates from 1020; Yordan Ivanov, Dioceses of the Ohrid Archbishopric,
p. 95, places its publication after this date.
6 Stag or Stayn,
Kalabaka, north-east of Trikala in Thessaly.
The Western chronicler Pulcherius, a
participant in the First Crusade, describes his passing through
After being
detained for three days amidst high waves with a wind that was already abating, on the fourth day
we reached land near the town of Dyrrachium, as I estimate, about ten
from it. Moreover, our fleet took shelter in two ports. Then, filled
with joy,
we took the road on land and passed through the town mentioned above.
And so we
went on across the Bulgarian regions, across steep mountain slopes and
lands. Then we all reached the rapid river of Devol, which is rightly
called so
by the local inhabitants. Because we saw how many men hoping to wade
through it
step by step were suddenly drowned by the current of the powerful
water, none
of those looking on from either side being able to help them ... Early
in the
morning at crack of dawn and at the sounds of the bugles we set out,
and began
climbing the mountain called Bagulatus.1 Afterwards we
crossed the
mountains and the towns of Lucretia, Botella,2 Bofinat,3
Stella,4 we reached a river called Vardar ... The next day,
crossing it, we pitched our tents before the town of Thessalonica,
which abounded
in all goods.
des historiens des Croisades. Historiens orientaux.
III, p. 331; the original is in Latin
1 i.e. the mountain
Baba Gora
2 Present-day Bitola
3 A hitherto
4 Possibly Pella
The Byzantine writer Michel Psellos
reports on the uprising of the Bulgarians under the leadership of Peter
11th c
I know
many who, in historical narratives, relate the life of the Emperor,
perhaps say things different from what we have written. Because at that
time a
view at variance with the truth tended to prevail. But I, having taken
part in
the events themselves and knowing from people closest to him more
things, am a fair judge, only let nobody reproach me for making known
what I
have seen and heard. Perhaps most of the things I have said will,
indeed, open
a door to calumny on the part of the malicious but, on the other hand,
I do not
know whether anyone will doubt what I am going to say. However, what
Emperor did and ordered about the internecine mutinies and the wars
with the
other peoples would be too long to relate in full. For this reason,
from all
the events it is the struggle against the barbarians that I will choose
and I
will touch briefly on its main aspects.
And so the
/Bulgarian/ tribe after numerous exploits and battles became part of
Byzantine Empire, since the well-known Basil, who distinguished himself
all emperors, made, as is recounted, their country his prey and crushed
power. Thus weakened in every respect, they relied on Byzantine
strength. But,
after having endured such a defeat, within a short period of time, they
reverted to their previous haughtiness. For some time they did not
overt mutiny. When, however, there appeared a man ready to rouse their
they all assumed a hostile attitude.
to such folly - according to them, a miracle, originated from their
tribe. He
was a man, whose kin was not worthy of mention, a double-dealer by
nature and
most skilled in deceiving his tribesmen. His name was Delyan1
and I
do not know whether he had received this nickname from his father or he
invented it himself. When he realized that the entire people wanted to
away from the Byzantines but that for the lack of an initiator and
leader they
remained only with intentions, he first of all began to put himself
forward as
the most worthy and experienced in giving counsel and also as extremely
in military affairs. Having later won their good will, the only thing
he lacked
was a brilliant origin so that he could be raised to the supreme power
the Bulgarians are accustomed to appoint as leaders of the people those
royal descent). Knowing that this was so, both by tradition and by law,
linked himself to the celebrated Samuil and his brother Aaron, who had
and reigned over the entire people not long ago. He did not claim to be
legitimate scion of royal stock, but lied and said that he was an
offshoot of
this stock. In this way he easily convinced them and they entrusted him
power lifting him up upon a shield. And then, declaring their
intentions, they
broke away, threw off the Byzantine yoke and arbitrarily proclaimed
freedom. After that, they began to invade the Byzantine lands and to
Had the
dared to commit such a folly at the time of the Autocrat's succession
to the
imperial throne, they would have immediately understood what kind of an
they were dealing with. Because then his body was in its prime and full
strength to withstand dangers, and it was not difficult for him to take
arms, to enter their lands with his chosen strategi and to teach them
not to
break away so quickly from the Byzantines. Their rebellion broke out2
when he was already waning and his body was in a pitiful condition,
when he
suffered from the slightest movement and could hardly endure his
garments. It
was precisely then that they decided to play with royal power as on the
and to enjoy the illusion for a brief period of time until the
strength of the Emperor and his striving for good deeds gave him
vigour and, by raising his spirit, carried him against them.
As soon as
heard of this, even before the news was fully uttered, he immediately
to go to war against them and to lead the entire army in person. But
his body
hampered him and the disease impeded his intentions. Moreover, the
members of
the Senate opposed his intentions in every respect and his relatives
insistently begged him not to leave the capital at all. He was in
despair and
was burning with impatience for nothing less than a war against the
because the situation was becoming terrible and, as he himself used to
say, in
the event of his not adding anything to the Empire of the Byzantines,
or some
part being severed from it, he feared that he would be held responsible
before the people and before God, if he were to accept what had
lightly, thus making it appear that the Bulgarians had split from the
Byzantines with his consent.
tormented the
Emperor much more than his bodily pains, and the evil came from these
conflicting pains, because, on the one hand, the disease puffed up his
and, on the other, he tormented himself and wasted away because of the
Thus he was torn by these two conflicting sufferings. And so, before
the barbarians, he overcame his relatives and won a victory over
friends and himself, because his spiritual zeal gave strength to his
sick body;
he gave himself into the hands of God and began to prepare for war. He
out a plan, determined his objective and did everything to achieve it;
he did
not rush in a disorderly manner, but - I will not enumerate everything
in order
- trained the army well in advance. Thus he did not put the entire army
motion, nor did he rely on numbers but after selecting those troops and
strategi most experienced in military matters, he set out with them
against the
Scythians, advancing in battle order and lining up his army in
accordance with
the rules of strategy.
When he
the borders of the Bulgarians, he pitched camp in a suitable place and
held a council meeting and then decided to fight against them -
something most
incredible, over which even those there present hesitated, because at
night he
would receive treatment and could hardly breathe, but as soon as day
broke he
would get up suddenly as if someone had given him strength. He would
mount his
horse, sit firm in the saddle and hold the horse's reins in his
powerful hands.
He would then proceed, personally commanding the ranks, filling with
wonder all
those who were watching him.
The war
yet started when something very strange occurred, similar to the
strange things
happening to the Emperor. And thus the most charming son of Aaron (he
had been
tsar of his people), named Alusianus,3 a man of gentle
brilliant mind and remarkable situation, became the most important
cause for
the Emperor's victory, not by his own choosing but, on the contrary, by
striving towards the opposite. But God, who guided him, turned the
situation into a victory for the Emperor.
Alusianus was not looked upon very favourably by the Emperor. He did
participate in the Senate, had obtained no high rank but was ordered to
stay at
home and not to come to Byzantium except when asked by the Emperor
himself. He
was dispirited and angry with this situation but up till then he had
unable to undertake anything. When he learned what was happening among
the /Bulgarian/
people and that due to lack of a person of royal descent they had
elected the
illegitimate pretender as Tsar, he undertook an act of extreme youthful
He abandoned his children, disregarded his love for his spouse, not
daring to
confide his intention to any of them except a few of his men whom he
knew were
capable of reckless deeds of daring and made so bold as to set out for
the West
from almost the farthest end of the East. Lest anything should be
and lest he should be recognized by the people in the capital, he fully
disguised himself not only by discarding part of his old clothing and
the other part on, but by dressing as a mercenary and thus he hid
himself from
the eyes of all.
later told me himself, he came two or three times to the Capital to see
author of this narrative. He was intimate with me and gladly called on
nevertheless I did not recognize him, neither did any one of those he
approached. And thus he also escaped from the multi-eyed vigilance of
Orphanotroph: 4 even he too failed to catch him.
Nevertheless, his
sudden disappearance alerted the authorities /and they decided/ to
find and
catch him if possible. And having hidden himself (so to say) from the
eyes of
all, he arrived in the land of the Bulgarians. Here he did not reveal
at once to the multitude but approached a few individually and
spoke to them
of his father as of a stranger. He glorified his kin and tried to find
whether, if some of his sons appeared, the rebels would prefer the
to the illegitimate son, or whether, since the latter had already taken
position at the head of everything, they would pay him no attention.
When he
all preferred the true son before the dubious, /Alusianus/ ventured
somehow to
reveal himself secretly to one whom he knew with certainty to be a very
adherent of his family. He immediately fastened his eyes upon him
because he
knew him well and, recognizing his face, fell at his feet and began to
them. He then wanted to see some secret mark so as to banish all doubt;
it was
a black spot on his right elbow covered with thick hair. As soon as he
saw it,
he embraced him still more strongly and began to kiss his neck and
chest. Then
both skillfully got down to work, separately approaching everyone
and so
gradually gave strength to the rumour. And thus most Bulgarians
switched their
favour to the legitimate son. And so one-man rule became something like
multiple rule, because some preferred the one and others - the other.
Then they
brought the two leaders together, reconciled them to each other and
then the
two began to work together and to confer with each other, although each
suspicious of the other.
however, anticipating Delyan's perfidious plan and, having caught him
cut his nose and gouged out his eyes with a kitchen knife. In this way,
Scythian people once again rallied under one rule. Alusianus, however,
did not
immediately go over to the side of the Emperor but set out against him
with the
troops. Engaging in battle with him, he was beaten and saved himself by
Then, having understood that he could not easily stand against the
Emperor and remembering his relatives, he secretly informed the
Emperor that,
if he would confer on him his benevolence and other honours, Alusianus
give himself up, together with everything he had. The Emperor accepted
proposal and again still more secretly, as he wished, began to
negotiate with
him. So Alusianus set out for the second time as if ready for battle
but all of
a sudden abandoned his army and went over to the Emperor. The autocrat,
conferred the greatest honours on him, sent him to Byzantium. He put to
and defeated the /Bulgarian/ people who had already been exhausted by
battles, and since they were without a leader, he subordinated them to
the same
Empire against which they had risen in revolt, and he triumphantly
returned to
the Capital city, bringing many prisoners and, of course, the most
among them and their leader himself - the illegitimate pretender, with
his nose
cut off and his eyes plucked out.
And thus
Emperor/ solemnly entered the capital with the whole town gathering to
him. I saw him then how he was swaying on his horse as at a funeral.
fingers holding the reins looked like the fingers of a giant, because
each of
them had the thickness and size of a hand (so bad were his internal
and his face had not retained a single trace of its previous
appearance. Led in
this manner, he entered the palace in solemn triumph, after making the
prisoners pass through the theatre and showing the Byzantines that a
spirit resurrects the dead and that the urge to do exploits conquers
weakness of the body.
Psellos, Chronographie ou histoire d'un siecle de
Byzance (976 - 1077), texte etablie et traduit par E. Renauld, I, II;
1926 1928; I, pp.75 83; cf. ГИБИ, VI, pp.94-99;
the original is in Greek
1 Delyan claimed to
be the son of
2 Delyan's uprising
broke out in
3 Alusianus was not
the son but
the grandson of Aaron.
4 The Orphanotroph
was the main
warden of the orphanage in Constantinople. In this case Orphanotroph
Ioannes, brother of Michael IV, Emperor of Byzantium (1034-1041)
from the Byzantine
historian Scylitzes1 on rebellions in Bulgaria
under Tsar Peter, and
on Tsar Samuil's Bulgarian origin
late 11th
- early 12th c.
Tsar of the Bulgarians, Peter,2 was opposed by his brother
together with other Bulgarian noblemen. But Ivan was caught, whipped
and thrown
into jail and all the others were subjected to the heaviest
the other brother of Peter, also dreamed of seizing power in Bulgaria.
captured a strong fortress and spread unrest throughout the Bulgarian
state and
many Bulgarians joined him. He soon died, however, and his adherents,
they were afraid of Peter's wrath, entered the Byzantine lands by way
of Macedonia,
Strymon and Hellas
Tsar of the Bulgarians, renewed the peace immediately after his wife's
and concluded a treaty with the Emperors and gave as hostages his own
Boris and Roman. Not long afterwards, he died. After this his sons were
sent to
Bulgaria to occupy their father's Kingdom and to stop the advance of
Kometopouli. Because David, Moses, Aaron and Samuil, sons of one of the
powerful comites of Bulgaria,
were / planning an uprising and were/ spreading unrest throughout the Bulgarian State ...
Cedreni Compendium historiarum,
ed. Bonn., II, pp.312, 313, 346, cf; ГИБИ, VI, p.257; the original is
in Greek
1 A Byzantine
annalist, the most exhaustive
source for the reign of Samuil
2 Peter (927-969),
son of the Bulgarian Tsar Simeon
Byzantine historian
Scylitzes describes how Samuil, son of a Bulgarian noble, became ruler
of all
11th-12th c.
after the death of Emperor Ioannes1
the Bulgarians rose in revolt and four brothers were chosen to govern
David, Moses, Aaron and Samuil, sons of one of the all-powerful comites
of the
Bulgarians and for this reason named Kometopouli...Of the four
brothers, David
was immediately killed by some Wallachian vagabonds between Castoria,
and the so-called “Fair Oak Wood.” While besieging Seres, Moses was hit
by a
stone cast from the wall and died. Aaron was killed by his brother
Samuil on
July 142 in the place called Razmetanitsa, together with all
kin, because he was a supporter, so they say, of the Byzantines,
or because he
was trying to seize power for himself. Only his son Vladislav Ivan was
saved by
Samuil's son Radomir Roman. Thus Samuil became the absolute ruler of
all Bulgaria
Cedreni compendium, op. cit., pp.
434-435; cf. ГИБИ, VI. p. 275; the original is in Greek
1 Ioannes Tzimisces,
Emperor of Byzantium,
died in 976
2 986
Byzantine historian
Scylitzes describes the wars between Bulgaria under Tsar Samuil
and Byzantium
11th-12th c.
set out against Thessalonica and deployed the main part of his army in
and traps, and he sent only a small part on an incursion to
Thessalonica itself
... Samuil camped on the opposite bank. Because of the torrential
rains, the
river rose and caused floods, so that no battle was expected at that
The magister, however, by inspecting the upper and lower reaches of the
found a place through which he thought he could cross. In the night,
roused his troops, he crossed the river and attacked Samuil's soldiers
in their
carefree sleep. A very large number of them were massacred, without
thinking of defense. Samuil himself and his son Roman were wounded,
grave wounds, and would have been taken prisoners, had they not mixed
with the
dead, lying as though dead. When night fell, they secretly fled towards
Aetolian Mountains and from there, across the peaks of these mountains,
the Pindus and took refuge in Bulgaria. And the magister, after freeing
Byzantines who had been taken prisoners, and stripping the
Bulgarians who had
fallen, looted the enemy camp and with very rich booty returned to
with his troops...
6508, indiction 13, /= 999/ the Emperor sent a strong army against the
Bulgarian fortresses beyond the Haemus Mountains ... The Byzantine
captured Great and Little Preslav, as well as Pliska, and returned
and victorious.
following year, the Emperor again set out against the Bulgarians via
Thessalonica. He was joined by the governor of Berrhoea,1
who surrendered the town to the Emperor and was honoured with the
dignity of
anthypatus. The defender of Servia2 Nikola, who, because of
small stature was called by the diminutive name of Nikolitsa, put up
resistance and cheerfully endured the siege imposed on him. The
however, set himself the task of capturing the fortress and succeeded,
Nikolitsa himself prisoner. He deported the Bulgarians from there and
left a
garrison of Byzantines. After all this he returned to the capital,
Nikolitsa with him, whom he honoured with the title of patrician. But
inconstant Nikolitsa escaped from there and returning secretly to
together with him began to besiege Servia. The Emperor, however, moved
and lifted the siege from the town and Nikolitsa fled with Samuil...
Emperor went to Thessaly and rebuilt the fortresses destroyed by
Samuil, while
those which were in the hands of Bulgarians he captured by siege and
the Bulgarians in the so-called Voleron.3 After posting
garrisons in all fortresses, he returned to the place known as Voden.
Voden is
a small fortress situated on steep cliffs where the waters of the
Ostrovo Lake
fall after running unseen below the ground and coming to the surface
again at
this place. As the inhabitants of this town did not surrender of their
own free
will, the Emperor took it by siege. He deported them also to Voleron,
installed a strong guard in the town and returned to Thessalonica.
the following year, indiction 15 /= 1003/, the Emperor set out on a
against Vidin and captured it by force after full eight months of
siege. While
he was busy with the siege, Samuil with a swift movement suddenly fell
Adrianople on the very feast of the Assumption of the Virgin. With a
assault he also seized the fair annually held there and attended by a
crowd and, after collecting much booty, he returned to his country. And
Emperor, after fortifying Vidin very well returned to the capital
losses, having devastated and destroyed all the Bulgarian fortresses on
way. When he approached the town of Skopje,
found Samuil calmly camping across the Axios river, which is now called
Vardar. Relying on the river being in
flood and thus
impossible to ford, he had set up his camp in a negligent manner. But a
found a ford and led the Emperor through it. Shocked by his sudden
Samuil hastily fled in confusion, and his tent and the entire camp were
captured. And the town of Skopje was surrendered to the Emperor by
Roman, the
son of Peter, Tsar of the Bulgarians, and brother of Boris, called also
after his grandfather and placed there as governor by Samuil. The
received him and after honouring him for his decision with the title of
patrician and prepositor, sent him as a strategus to Abydos.
from there, the Emperor set out for Pernik, whose defender was Krakra,
a man
excellent in military matters. He spent a considerable time there and
lost no
small number of soldiers in the siege. Finding the fortress
impregnable and
Krakra impervious to flattery or other promises and proposals, he
returned to
Philippopolis, whence he returned to Constantinople.
Cedreni compendium, op. cit, pp.
449-456; cf. ГИБИ, VI, pp. 278, 280, 283 285; the original is in Greek
1 Present-day Ber
2 Present-day
3 A region to the
east of the lower part of the river Mesta
Byzantine historian
Scylitzes describes the blinding of
15,000 captured Bulgarian soldiers by Basil II, the death of Samuil and the conquest of all
11th-12th c.
Every year
the Emperor
continued to invade Bulgaria and devastated and laid waste everything
on his
way. Samuil could not put up opposition in the open field, nor could he
out in an open battle against the Emperor, and he suffered defeats on
all sides
and began to lose his strength. For this reason he decided to dig
trenches and
block the Emperor's road to Bulgaria ... The Emperor was already losing
hope of
getting through when Nicephorus Xiphias, appointed it that time by him
strategus of Philippopolis, persuaded him to remain there and to keep
up his
constant assaults on the barrier, saying that he would go to see
whether he
could not do something advantageous and salutary. And so, having taken
soldiers ..., all of a sudden, with cries and noise, he appeared on
high ground
in the rear of the Bulgarians. Terrified by his sudden appearance, they
The Emperor destroyed the abandoned palisade and began to pursue them.
were slain and many more were captured. Samuil was barely saved from
death by
his son, who valiantly warded off the attackers. He put him on a horse
and led
him to the fortress called Prilep. And the Emperor blinded the captive
Bulgarians, about 15,000 so they say, ordering each group of one
hundred to be
led by a soldier with one eye, and thus sent them to Samuil. When the
saw them coming in rows of equal numbers he could not stand this
courageously and in silence, but became unwell, fainted and fell to the
Those present tried to restore his breathing with water and perfumes
succeeded in bringing him round a little. When he had recovered
he asked for cold water, but after taking a drink, he suffered a heart
and two days later he died. His son Gavril, called also Roman, who
his father in might and force but was far inferior to him in wisdom and
took power over the Bulgarians. He was Samuil's son by a slave girl
Larissa. He began to rule on September 15, indiction 13 /1014/. A year
had not
passed before he was murdered while out hunting by Aaron's son, Ivan
whom he had rescued from death when he was about to perish.
these occurrences, at the time when Theophylactus Botaniates was sent
governor of Thessalonica, following Arianites, David Nestoritsa, a
noble, was sent by Samuil with a large army against Thessalonica.
met them with his son Michael, engaged in battle against them and
defeated them. He took much booty and many prisoners and brought them
to the
Emperor, who was besieging the barrier at the Gorge of Kleidion.1
Passing through the barrier, as we have already said, the Emperor
advanced to
Stroumitsa and captured the fortress, called Matzukion, situated near
Stroumitsa. He also sent the Thessalonica duke Theophylactus Botaniates
his troops, ordering him to cross the hills at Stroumitsa, so as to
burn the
palisades on the roads to them and open a convenient road for him to
Thessalonica. He set out, and the Bulgarians guarding these places let
him pass
everywhere unimpeded along the road. But when he was preparing to
return to the
Emperor after having fulfilled his orders, he fell into ambushes set up
this purpose and waiting in a long and narrow pass. When he entered it,
from all sides and showered from above with stones and arrows, he fell
without anyone being able to help him and without being able to make
use of his
hands, owing to the narrow and impassable place. A large part of the
perished with him. When this was reported to the Emperor, he was filled
great sorrow. It was because of this that he did not dare advance but
back and arrived in Zagoria where the extremely strong fortress of
stood, built on a rock and encircled on all sides by steep and very
precipices. The Bulgarians from the area had gathered there and were
not at all
interested in the Byzantines. The Emperor sent to them one of his
a eunuch named
Sergius, an intelligent and
eloquent man, to find out what their mood was. Once there, he succeeded
by dint
of much persuasion in convincing these people to lay down their
arms and to
surrender, together with the fortress, to the Emperor. The Emperor
them and conferred honours upon them, and leaving a sufficient garrison
in the
fortress, he returned to Mosynopolis.2 While he was there,
informed him also of Samuil's death on October 24. The Emperor
immediately left
Mosynopolis and went down towards
Thessalonica, and from
there he went
to Pelagonia,
without devastating the lands on his way, and
merely burning Gavril’s palaces in Buteli.3 Having sent
troops, he
captured the fortresses of Prilep and Stip. From there he reached the
called Cherna, which he crossed on rafts and inflated skins and
returned to
Voden , whence on January 9 /1015/ he went to Thessalonica.
the early spring the Emperor again returned to Bulgaria and set out for
fortress of Voden, because its inhabitants, betraying their loyalty to
Emperor, had taken up arms against the Byzantines. Moreover, he
besieged the town and compelled them to surrender, after receiving
He again deported them to Voleron, and in the middle of the pass he
erected two
other fortresses, one of which he named Kardia, and the other Saint
Elijah, and
returned to Thessalonica. There, through a Byzantine who had lost one
Roman Gavril sent a promise of submission and obedience. The Emperor
the letter with suspicion and he sent an army under Nicephorus Xiphias
Constantine Diogenes, who had become strategus of Thessalonica after
Botaniates, to the region of Moglena. After they devastated all this
land and
besieged the town, the Emperor himself arrived. He diverted the river
flowed by the city and, having undermined the foundations of the walls,
threw wood and other easily inflammable substances into the excavations
and set
them on fire. When the combustible substances burned out, the wall
crumbled. On
seeing this, the besieged began to weep and plead, and
surrendered, together
with the fortress. And so Dometian Kaukhanus,4 a noble and
to Gavril, the governor of Moglena Ilitsa and many other noblemen and a
considerable number of soldiers were captured. And so the Emperor sent
fit to bear arms to Asprakania, while the other non-combatants he
ordered to be
plundered and the fortress to be burned. Another fortress, called
adjacent to Moglena, also fell.
the fifth day the handless Byzantine arrived together with officials of
Vladislav, Aaron's son. He carried a letter in which Ivan Vladislav
that he had killed Gavril in Petrisk5 and that he had
assumed full
power. /In the letter/ he also promised to offer the Emperor the
submission and
obedience due to him. Having read the letter and reaffirmed his
decision with a
royal decree, the Emperor sent envoys to Ivan. In a few days’ time the
with the severed hand again returned with a letter from Ivan and the
notables, who declared that they were ready to become subjects and
slaves of
the Emperor. Kaukhanus, the brother of Dometian, who had been captured
Moglena, also joined the Emperor. The Emperor received him and held him
esteem. When he realized that Ivan had written the letter with cunning
duplicity and that he was thinking the opposite of what he promised, he
returned to Bulgaria and devastating the areas around Ostrovo, Sosk, as
well as
the plain of Pelagonia, he blinded all the Bulgarians whom he captured.
thus he reached the town of Ohrid, where the palaces of the Tsars of
stood. After he had occupied the town and made all the necessary
he decided to proceed further and to go to Dyrrachium because affairs
required his presence. And indeed, as long as Vladimir,6 who was married
Samuil's daughter, a just, peace-loving and virtuous man, was in
possession of
Trimalia and the lands in the vicinity of Servia, peace reigned in
But after Gavril had been murdered by Ivan, Vladimir trusted the oaths
Ivan passed on to him through David, the Archbishop of Bulgaria, gave
up and was soon killed. Then great confusion and disorder set in there,
Ivan frequently tried in every way through military commanders and
to recapture the town. The Emperor, therefore, wanted to go to help him
but was
stopped by a serious consideration. Because on his march to Ohrid he
had left
in the rear the strategus Georgius Gonitziates and the captured
protospatharius Orestes with a large army, ordering them to devastate
plains of Pelagonia.7 The Bulgarians, however, led by the
commander Ivats, a most outstanding and well-tried man, caught them in
ambush and killed them all. Seized with sorrow for them, the Emperor
to Pelagonia and pursuing Ivats closely, reached Thessalonica and then
went to
Mosynopolis. He sent against Stroumitsa a force under the patrician
Arianites, who appeared suddenly and captured the fort called Thermitsa.8
He sent another force under Xiphias against the fortresses near
Having taken all fortresses situated in the open, he besieged and
captured the
fortress called Boion /Boyana/.
same year 6524, indiction 14 /1016/, the Emperor left the Capital and
set out
for Triaditsa. He encircled the fortress of Pernik and besieged it but
defenders fought valiantly and courageously and many Byzantines were
The Emperor maintained the siege for a full 88 days but, understanding
that he
had undertaken something impossible, he withdrew, without doing
anything, and
returned to Mosynopolis. He left his army to rest there an$, with the
coming of
spring, he left Mosynopolis, invaded Bulgaria, besieged the
fortress named-Longon
and took it by siege. Sending David Arianites and Constantine Diogenes
to the
plains of Pelagonia, he captured a lot of cattle and men. The Emperor,
burned the fortress, divided the prisoners into three parts: one part
he gave
to his Russian allies, the other to the Byzantines and the third he
kept for
himself. Then he moved on and, on reaching Castoria, he tried to take
fortress but realized that it was impregnable and turned back.
Moreover, he had
received a letter from the strategus of Dorostol, Cicikius, the son of
patrician Teudatus the Iverian, /who informed him/ that Krakra had
collected a
very numerous army and had joined Ivan; they had also won over the
and intended to attack the Byzantines. Troubled by this letter, the
immediately returned. On the way he captured the fortress of Bosograd
burned it, rebuilt Berrhoea, and devastated and destroyed everything
Ostrovo and Moliscus. He gave up any further advance because he had
informed that the campaign against the Byzantines planned by Krakra and
had been called off, because the Pechenegs had failed to give them
assistance. That is why he returned and besieged another fortress,
where Samuil had had palaces and where a large amount of wheat was
stored. The
Emperor ordered the troops to seize it, and burned everything. Against
who was not very far away, he sent the detachment of the Western scholae9
and the Thessalonica detachment commanded by Constantine Diogenes.
When they
went, Ivan laid a trap for them. On learning this, the Emperor feared
something bad should happen to them and, riding before the army said
only: 'Let
him who is a soldier follow me!' and swiftly rushed forward. On seeing
Ivan's scouts ran terrified towards Ivan's camp and filled it with
and disturbance, crying only: 'Run for your lives, the Tsar!' Since
including Ivan, were fleeing in disorder, the men of Diogenes took
courage and
began to pursue them. They killed many and captured 200 heavily armed
their horses and Ivan's baggage, as well as his nephew. Having done
this, the
Emperor returned to Voden, arranged everything there and set out for
Constantinople on January 9, indiction 15, 6526 /1018/.
availed himself of the respite given him and went to besiege Dyrrachium
barbarian haughtiness and superciliousness. When a battle started in
the course
of the siege, he fell dead without any one being able to
understand who had
struck him. He had ruled over the Bulgarians for 2 years and 5 months.
As soon
as the Emperor was informed of his death by the patrician Nikita
strategus of Dyrrachium, he departed immediately. On reaching
Adrianople, he
was met by the brother and son of the famous Krakra, who brought him
the good
news that they were surrendering to him the well-known fortress of
Pernik and 3
5 other fortresses. The Emperor gave them high dignities and, after
Krakra a patrician, he went to Mosynopolis. Envoys from Pelagonia,
and Lipenium11 came there and surrendered the towns to the
Setting out from there, the Emperor went to Seres, where Krakra arrived
together with the commanders of the 35 fortresses that had surrendered;
he was
well received. Dragomuzh, who surrendered Stroumitsa and was created a
patrician, also went over to the Emperor. He brought with him the
Ioannes the Chaldias, who was then released from long years of
(because he had been captured by Samuil and had spent 2 years in gaol).
Immediately after this the Emperor approached Stroumitsa and there came
to him
David the Archbishop of Bulgaria, with a letter from Maria, Ivan's
promising to renounce Bulgaria if her wishes were fulfilled. To him
there came
also Bogdan, the toparchos of the fortresses in the interior and he was
made a patrician because for a long time he had favoured the Emperor
and had
murdered his father-in-law. From there /the Emperor/ set out for
Stationing the patrician David Arianites in the town as a strategus
with full
powers he moved back through the fortresses of Shtip and Prosek,
greeted and
honoured with prayers and hymns. But he immediately turned right and
went to
Ohrid where he set up camp. The entire population welcomed him with
songs, greetings and praises. The town of Ohrid
is situated on a high hill, near a very large lake, from which the Drin
rises and flows to the north, subsequently turning west and flowing
into the Ionian Sea near the fortress
of Eilisos. Ohrid was the
principal town of all Bulgaria; there the palaces of the tsars of
Bulgaria were
erected and there their riches were kept. Having opened /the treasury/,
Emperor found a lot of money, crowns with pearls, garments embroidered
gold and 100 centenaria of gold pieces; all this he spent on
pay for his
troops. And so, leaving the patrician Eustathius Daphnomelus as
governor of the
town and providing him with a reliable guard, he returned to his camp.
he received the wife of Ivan Vladislav whom they brought to him with
her three
sons and six daughters. She also brought with her an illegitimate son
Samuil, and two daughters and five sons of Samuil's son Radomir, one of
Ivan had maimed by gouging out his eyes, when he had murdered Samuil's
Radomir together with his wife and his son-in-law Vladimir. Maria had
other sons by Ivan, but they had succeeded in escaping to Mount Tmor,
highest of the Keraunian Mountains. The Emperor received her kindly and
instructions for her to be guarded benevolently together with the
others. Other
Bulgarian nobles, each one with his detachment, also came to the
Emperor: Nestoritsa, Zaritsa and the young
They were favourably received and were accorded royal honours. Then
Vladislav's sons - Prusian and his two brothers - who had fled to Tmor,
as we
have related earlier, tormented by the prolonged siege (because the
stationed by the Emperor were guarding the ways out of the mountain),
the Emperor that they wanted guarantees, and promised to surrender. The
gave them a kind reply, and setting out from Ohrid went to the lake
Prespa and crossing the mountain between, erected a castle on its peak
which he
named Basilida, and another by the said lake. From Prespa he moved to
so-called Devol where, on a raised platform, he received the brothers
Prusian. He reassured them with benevolent and humane words and he
Prusian magister and the others patricians. Ivats, who was deprived of
was also brought there. I should, however, relate the manner in which
he was
blinded because this narrative contains something pleasant and
Ivan Vladislav's death, when his wife Maria and her sons
surrendered and the
other nobles from Bulgaria submitted, this Ivats fled to an impassable
called Vrohot where he had fine palaces called Pronishta gardens and
places for pleasure. He did not want to submit to God's will but
gathering an army, began to rouse the surrounding area to revolt,
an uprising and dreaming of seizing power in Bulgaria
This fact greatly troubled
the Emperor. He therefore abandoned the direct road, turned south and
the said Devol in order either to compel the rebel to surrender
or to annihilate him by war. The Emperor settled down with pleasure in
the said
place and sent a letter to Ivats in order to bring him to his senses so
that he
would not oppose him on his own when all Bulgaria had been conquered,
imagine impossible things, but would understand that what he had
begun would
bring no benefit. Ivats received the letter and replied with another,
for time and quibbling, giving all kinds of arguments, so that the
Emperor was
compelled to stay in this place for fifty-five days, fooled by these
The governor of Ohrid, Eustathius Daphnomelus, learned that the Emperor
intended to destroy Ivats. And so he chose a suitable moment and, by
coming to
an arrangement with two of his most loyal servants, to whom he confided
intentions, he got down to business. Ivats used to celebrate the
holiday of the
Assumption of the Virgin with the whole people and on this day he used
invite to a banquet not only his nearest neighbours but also many
others from
far away. And so Eustathius went self-invited to the feast and, meeting
guards at the entrance, ordered them to announce who he was and that he
come to make merry with the nobleman. When he was told, Ivats wondered
that a
person hostile to him should come of his own accord and give himself up
the enemy's hands. Nevertheless, he gave instructions for him to be
ushered in,
and when he came, he received him most cordially and embraced him. As
soon as
the morning prayer was over and all those assembled had gone to their
Eustathius approached Ivats and asked him to step aside for a while
because he
wanted to speak to him alone about something very important and to his
advantage. Ivats, not suspecting the cunning and deceit, but supposing
that Eustathius
really wanted to join his faction in the uprising, ordered his servants
leave them alone for a while. He took his arm and led him to a garden
full of
trees in which there was a spot where no voice could be heard because
of the
thick wood. Entering it, Eustathius caught Ivats, pushed him quickly to
ground and pressing his knee on his chest - because he was strong in
the arms -
began to strangle him, shouting to his two servants to come to his
help. They,
according to the arrangement, were standing and watching what was
going on. On
hearing their master's voice, they immediately dashed up, caught Ivats
and gagged his mouth with his shirt lest by his cries he should incite
the multitude
against them and their work be left unfinished. Then they blinded him
and threw
him out of the garden into the courtyard. They rushed to the upper
floor of a
high building and, taking out their swords, waited for those wishing to
them. When the news of what had happened became known, a vast crowd
Some held swords in their hands, others had spears, a third group had
arrows, a
fourth held stones, others - clubs, some fire-brands, others
substances and all were running and shouting: 'Slaughter the assassins
impostors, burn them, cut them into pieces, and bury them under stones!
none of the wicked be spared!' Seeing the assembled crowd and losing
hope of
rescue, Eustathius nevertheless called to his men to be courageous and
not to
lose heart, not to let themselves fall into the power of those who
wanted their
destruction, /because from them they could not expect salvation but
only a
miserable and painful death/. He then appeared before the throng from a
made a sign with his hand to the crowd to be silent and began thus:
men, there is no hostility whatever in me against your nobleman and you
admit it, because you know well that he is a Bulgarian, and I a
Byzantine, and
not one of those living in Thrace and Macedonia12 but from
Minor, which is very far away from us, as the well informed know. The
perspicacious of you will understand that I myself did not undertake
such a
venture thoughtlessly and recklessly, but that some necessity compelled
me. I
would not have rushed so insanely into obvious danger and risked my
life, had
not some other cause compelled me to act so. And so, know that this
thing was
done at the order of the Emperor, whom I obediently served as a tool.
And now,
if you want to kill me, here I am in your hands. I will not die,
submissively and easily, nor will I lay down my arms and surrender to
you, as
you wish it to happen, but I shall fight for my life and together with
my men
shall repulse the attackers to the end. If we should die — because
those who
are surrounded by a more numerous enemy must come to grief - we shall
death happy and blessed since there is one who will call to account and
revenge for our blood and it is precisely he whom you wanted to resist
as long
as possible.' Hearing these words and seized with fear of the Emperor,
assembled there began little by little to sneak away and to disperse in
different directions. The older and more reasonable obeyed, praising
Emperor. Eustathius in complete security took Ivats and brought him to
the Emperor.
He received /Eustathius/ and for his bravery immediately appointed him
strategus of Dyrrachium and presented him with all movable property of
The letter was thrown into prison.
that time Nikolitsa, who had been often captured and as many times
freed, was
also hiding in some mountains. When troops were sent against him and
some of
his men surrendered of their own accord and others were captured, he
came down
one night as a fugitive to the camp /of the Emperor/ and, knocking on
the door,
announced who he was and that he was voluntarily surrendering to
the Emperor.
The Emperor did not want even to see him and sent him to Thessalonica
ordered him to be imprisoned. He himself, after arranging things in
Colonia and Drinopolis, in the way he considered best, and leaving
and strategi in the themes, allowed the Byzantines who were taken
prisoner to
remain in the country if they wished to do so. Others he ordered to
follow him.
So he proceeded to Castoria. There to him were brought Samuil's two
who as soon as they saw Maria, Ivan's wife, standing next to the
Emperor, flew
at her as if to kill her. The Emperor pacified their rage by promising
confer dignities and great riches on them, while he conferred the title
of zoste
on Maria and sent her to Constantinople together with her
sons. Through
Xiphias the Emperor leveled to the ground all fortresses in Servia and
And he went to the fortress of Stag, where he received the governor of
Elemag and his cogovernors in slaves' clothes. Departing from there he
set out
for Athens. Passing by Zeitunion, it was with amazement that he saw the
of the Bulgarians who had fallen when magister Nicephorus Uranus had
Samuil. He marveled also at the wall built by Rupen at Thermopylae to
ward off
the Bulgarians, called even now Skelos. When he arrived in Athens, he
held a
service of thanksgiving to the Virgin Mary for the victory and adorned
shrine with many rich gifts. He then returned to Constantinople. He
entered in
triumph through the great door of the Golden Gates wearing a gold crown
with a
crest on top. He was preceded by Maria, the wife of Vladislav, Samuil's
daughters and the other Bulgarians. This occurred in indiction 2, 6527
So with the trophies of victory he entered the Great Church, where he
hymns of thanksgiving to God, and then returned to the palace.
Sergius besought him much to abolish the allelengyon13 as he was returning
as victor, but could not persuade him. Sergius, who for twenty years
had headed
God's papacy, presented himself to God in the month of July, indiction
2, 6527.
Eustathius, first of the presbyters in the palace shrine, was elected
Cedreni compendium, op. cit, pp.
457 464, 464-476; cf. ГИБИ, VI, pp. 283-296; the original is in Greek
1 Between the
mountains Belasitsa and Ograzhden
2 Present-day
3 Present-day Bitola
4 Kaukhanus is not a
name but the
Proto-Bulgar title of Kavkhan
5 The present-day
village of
Petersko (district of Lerin).
6 The head of the
Serbian principality of Zeta, killed in 1016
7 Present-day Bitola
A fortress probably in the locality of Kaleeri near Bansko
9 Scholae were
imperial guard
10 The present
village of Moredvis (Kochani district)
11 Today's town of
(district of Kosovo)
12 Here Thrace and
Macedonia are administrative regions (themes)
equivalent to present-day Thrace
Allelengyon is
the tax which the neighbours of a poor man had to pay instead of him
Byzantine historian Scylitzes
describes the uprising of the Bulgarians under the leadership of Peter
11th-12th c.
uprising in Bulgaria also broke out the same year (1040) in the
following way.
A Bulgarian, Peter, surnamed Delyan, and servant of an inhabitant of
fled from the capital and began to roam all over Bulgaria. He
reached Morava and
Belgrade fortresses in Pannonia, situated on the banks of the Isterus,
close to
the lands of the King of Turkia.1 He declared that he was
the son of
Roman, Samuil's son and incited the Bulgarians, who had recently put
necks under the yoke and were strongly striving towards freedom. And so
people believed his words and declared him Tsar of Bulgaria. Setting
out from
there via Nis and Skopje, the main town of Bulgaria, they spread word
about him
on their way and sang his praises. When they encountered a Byzantine on
way, they murdered him mercilessly and inhumanly. On learning
this, Basil
Sinadin, who was at that time strategus of Dyrrachium, called up the
troops and hastened to intercept Delyan before the evil could spread
and start
a conflagration. When he reached the place known as Debur, he quarreled
Michael Dermokaites about something and it was slanderously reported to
Emperor that he contemplated usurpation. He was immediately dismissed
from his
post, brought to Thessalonica and thrown into prison. Dermokaites was
strategus in his place and governed badly and in an inexperienced way
within a short period of time he had turned everything upside down. And
his subordinates, unfairly treated and deprived of their horses and
carts and
of everything else of value, mutinied against the strategus. When he
saw that
they were plotting against him, he secretly fled one night. Then,
fearing the
Emperor, they rose up in revolt and proclaimed as Tsar of Bulgaria a
from among themselves, named Tihomir, whose bravery and common sense
already been tested. In this manner, two camps of Bulgarian rebels were
one of which recognized Delyan and the other - Tihomir. Delyan,
however, wrote
a friendly letter to Tihomir in which he invited him to join in
actions and persuaded him to come. When the two Bulgarian armies
Delyan assembled them all and called upon them to remove Tihomir if
they were
convinced that he himself was descended from Samuil, and wanted him to
over them. If, however, this was undesirable to them, let them drive
him away
and be governed by Tihomir. 'Because', he said, 'one bush does not feed
robins, neither does one country flourish if it is governed by two
leaders.' A
great commotion followed these words and all were saying that it was
him alone
that they wanted to be their autocratic commander. As soon as they had
taken this
decision, they grabbed stones and killed the unfortunate Tihomir,
who, only as
if in a dream, had seized power and lost it, together with his life,
while all
power passed into Delyan's hands. He brought up all his troops and set
out for
Thessalonica against the Emperor. On learning this, the Emperor left in
disarray for Constantinople, abandoning all his baggage, his tent and
all the
gold, silver and fabrics which he had. Manuil Ivats, who belonged to
Emperor's retinue, was ordered to collect these things and follow him.
collected them, he joined Delyan, together with a certain Kitonitus,
one of the
eunuchs -bedchamber attendants.
the same time there set in such a drought, that almost all the
springs and the deep rivers dried up, and a fire broke out in Exartize
August 6, and all the triremes that were there were burned together
with their
having removed Tihomir, as we have related, and having become lord of
began courageously to conduct operations. First of all he sent troops
under the
leadership of the so-called Kaukhanus to seize Dyrrachium. Another
army, headed
by Anthym, was dispatched to Hellas. Alakaseus marched against it and
having engaged in battle at Thebes, was defeated, and a large number of
were slain. Then the theme of Nicopolis, with the exception of
Naupactos, went
over to the Bulgarians for a reason which we shall set forth. A man
Constantinople, called Ioannes, surnamed Kutzomites, was sent there as
collector of state taxes. Because he oppressed the local
population he brought
disaster upon himself and caused the people of Nicopolis to rebel.
Since they
could no longer endure his greed, they revolted and cut him into pieces
abusing the Emperor of the Byzantines, they joined the Bulgarians. They
rose in
revolt and threw off the Byzantine yoke, not so much because of their
for Delyan, as because of the insatiability of the Orphanotroph
and the
excessive taxation. Because Emperor Basil, on subduing the Bulgarians,
had not
wanted to change anything, or introduce innovations, but had left
matters in
their former state, as Samuil had arranged them, namely: every
Bulgarian who
had a pair of oxen had to give the state half a bushel of wheat and a
amount of millet and one jar of wine. The Orphanotroph ordered that nomisma
be given in lieu of these foodstuffs. And so the local population who
could not
easily bear this, found a favourable occasion with the appearance of
Delyan, to
throw off Byzantine domination and return to the old way of government.
the month of September, indiction 9, 6549 /1041/, Aaron's second son,
Alusianus,2 who was a patrician and strategus of
fled unexpectedly from the capital and joined Delyan for the
following reason.
As strategus of Theodosiopolis he was accused of injustice and before
charges made against him were examined, loannes4 ordered him
to pay
50 pounds of gold, and expropriated the estate of his wife in Harsian.
/Alusianus/ complained of this to the Emperor but received no
despairing of everything and clad in Armenian clothes, allegedly as a
of Basil Theodorocan, who was on his way to the Emperor in
Thessalonica, he
slipped secretly away and fled to Ostrovo, where Delyan was then
encamped with
his entire army. Delyan received him most joyfully, because he was
afraid lest
the Bulgarians might prefer to join him, since he was of royal blood.
It seems
that he shared his royal power with him and, giving him a 40,000 strong
sent him to besiege Thessalonica. The patrician Constantine, the
nephew, was then governor of that town. On arrival, /Alusianus/
encircled the
town with trenches and began the siege. For six days he tried to take
the town
using battering rams and other machines. Everywhere he was repulsed
abandoning everything, he decided to achieve his objective by a
siege. One day the inhabitants of the town went to the grave of
the great
martyr Demetrius, held a night-long vigil and used the chrism gushing
out of
the divine grave. Then all of a sudden they opened the gates and came
against the Bulgarians. The detachment of the courageous was also with
Thessalonians. Suddenly emerging they frightened and put to flight the
Bulgarians, who did not want to put up any defense or resistance,
because the
martyr led the Byzantine army and cleared its way, as the captured
declared under oath. They said that they saw how the Byzantine army was
led by
a young horseman, out of whom came fire which burned their opponents.
And so
more than 15,000 Bulgarians fell and the number of prisoners was no
less. The
others, together with Alusianus, ignominiously fled to Delyan.
same year, indiction 9, on June 10, at about the twelfth hour of the
day, there
was an earthquake.
after the defeat, Delyan and Alusianus got together, they began to
suspect each
other: the latter, because he was ashamed of the defeat, and the former
because he suspected treason. They began to have evil intentions
towards each
other and to watch for an opportunity. And thus Alusianus prepared
lunch with
some of his men and invited Delyan to the feast. When Delyan's head was
by drink, he seized him and blinded him, without the Bulgarians even
what had happened. He then fled to the Emperor in Mosynopolis. The
Emperor sent
him to Constantinople to the Orphanotroph, after having promoted him to
rank of magister, and he, leaving Mosynopolis, went to Thessalonica.
From there
he crossed over and entered Bulgaria, captured Delyan and sent him to
Thessalonica, while he himself went into the interior of the country,
Manuil Ivats had erected a wooden palisade at Prilep, intending to stop
imperial army from advancing and reaching the interior. The
Emperor, however,
arrived there at the speed of lightning, destroyed the palisade, put
detachment of Bulgarians to flight and captured Ivats. Having arranged
everything in Bulgaria and having put strategi in the themes, he
returned to
the capital bringing Delyan and Ivats with him. Tormented by his
disease, he
completely lost hope of recovery and was ordained monk by the monk
Tsintsuluk, who was with him all the time, giving him the necessary
counsel. On
December 10, 6550 /1041/, indiction 1, he died, after having
confessed and deplored his sin against the Emperor Romanus. He reigned
seven years and eight months and was otherwise sensible, good and lived
piously, with the exception of his sin against the Emperor Romanus. But
are those who ascribe this too to the Orphanotroph.
Cedreni compendium, op. cit,
pp.527-530, 531, 534; cf. ГИБИ, VI, pp. 302-306; the original is in
Turkia here means Hungary
2 Alusianus was the
second son of
Ivan Vladislav and not of Aaron
3 Present-day
4 This is the
Byzantine historian
Scylitzes describes the uprising of the Bulgarians under the leadership
Georgi Voyteh in 1072
11th-12th c.
the first years of the reign of /Mihael/1, indiction 11, the
people who are also called Croatian, set out to enslave Bulgaria. I am
going to
relate how /this happened/, starting from an earlier point. When he had
conquered Bulgaria, the Emperor Basil did not want to make any changes
in the
customs there, but ordered that it should be governed in its affairs by
its own
leaders and customs as it had been under Samuil, who had been their
Since they could not endure the greed of the Orphanotroph, the people
already rebelled earlier, when they proclaimed Delyan as their Tsar
details have been related above), and now they again began to consider
uprising. They could not endure the greed of Nicephorus,2
who had
antagonized everybody, because the Emperor did not show concern for
and was engaged only in frivolous and childish matters. The notables of
Bulgaria hoped that Mihael,3 the then ruler, would help and
them by giving them his son whom they might proclaim Tsar of Bulgaria
and that
they would thus be freed from the rule and oppression of the
Byzantines. He
listened to them with pleasure and, having selected 300 persons from
his own
people, entrusted them to his son Constantine, also called Bodin, and
sent him
to Bulgaria. And so he went to Prizdiana, where the Skopje notables, whose leader was
Voyteh, of the family of the Comhanes,4 had assembled. They
proclaimed Bodin Tsar of Bulgaria, changing his name from Constantino
to Peter.
On hearing of this, Nicephorus Carantinus who then occupied the post of
Duke of
Skopje, went to Prizdiana, together with his subordinate strategi and
Bulgarian troops. Whilst he was getting ready for battle, his deputy,
Dalasin, arrived. On joining Carantinus, he insulted him a great deal
ridiculed each of his strategi in no small measure, calling them
Having drawn up his troops, he engaged in battle with the Serbians. A
battle began and the Byzantines suffered a still more terrible defeat.
many Byzantines and Bulgarians fell and a much larger number of
prisoners were
taken, including the Duke Damyan Dalasin, the so-called Provat, as well
Longibardopul, and many others with them. The whole camp was also
captured and
plundered. After this the Bulgarians openly declared Bodin as Tsar,
him Peter as we have said. They split into two, and Bodin's men set out
Nis, while the others with Petrila, the first man after Bodin, set out
the Byzantines in Castoria. There the adherents of the Byzantines, the
strategus Marian, the Devol strategus, patrician and anthypatus
Vartsa, and with him the strategus of Castoria, fortified the town, as
we have
related. With them were also Boris, David and many others, who, fearing
threat of the local Bulgarians, sought refuge in Castoria. And Petrila,
taken Castoria with a vast army of Bulgarians, began to prepare for
battle. When the Byzantines also lined up and came out against the
they attacked them with great force and put Petrila to flight,
compelling him
to flee across impassable mountains so as to reach his lord,
Mihael. They also
killed many Bulgarians and captured the man who took first place after
among the Croatians, and led him in chains to the Emperor. As soon as
reached Nis he began to deal with Bulgarian affairs as Tsar. He looted
everything on his way and exterminated and tortured all those who did
recognize and obey him. When the Emperor heard of these things, namely
of the
duke's defeat and the proclamation of Bodin, he sent Saronytes against
him to
stifle the evil quickly before it could flare up and expand into a
conflagration. With him he sent also a strong army consisting of
Byzantines and Franks. But /Saronytes/ set out for the town of Skopje
and paid
no attention whatsoever to Nis. And thus, when he arrived /there/
promised Georgi Voyteh, who was entrusted with the town, not to do him
harm, he took the town of Skopje, set
up camp in
it and began to consider and assess what to do with those in Nis. But Voyteh,
who regretted having been so
well disposed towards the Byzantines and having taken their side,
ordered his men in Nis to come to him quickly and ruthlessly and
cruelly to
exterminate all Saronytes, men who were carefree and negligent. Having
the message, they left Nis and set out for Skopje. The earth was
covered with
snow since it was winter, in the month of December. When Saronytes' men
wind of this, he came out with his entire army against /the rebels/ and
intercepting them on the road in a place called Taonii, slew almost all
them. Bodin was also taken prisoner. Longibardopul, who, as we have
said, had
gone over to the side of Mihael, exchanged promises of loyalty with him
married his daughter. He received a very big army, consisting of
Langobards and
Serbians, and was sent to help Bodin, and once more he joined the
Saronytes sent Bodin in chains to the Emperor. He was imprisoned in the
monastery of St. Sergius, and a little later he was handed over to
Comnenus, who had already been appointed Duke of Antioch and who took
there. Having learned of this, his father Mihael, in exchange for a
full purse,
hired Veneti,6 whose calling was to sail the seas, abducted
him from
there and brought him to his own possessions. The latter, after his
death, is reigning even in our day. Voyteh, however, who was
mercilessly tortured,
died on his way to the Emperor, because he could not suffer the pain of
blows. The Allemani and also the Franks (they are Western peoples),
invaded the
country, destroyed the remaining Bulgarian palaces in Prespa and looted
local shrine, erected in the name of St Achilleus, sparing none of its
objects. Some of them were rescued, but the troops divided the
remainder among
themselves and adapted them for their own use. And thus a soldier of
Macedonian army,7 who had been ordered to return every
sacred object
which he had taken, died of anthrax on his shoulders because he had not
As usually happens, indeed, retribution was not long in coming and it
him down as an example for future generations. In the towns on the
banks of the
Isterus, the soldiers were negligent, because they did not receive any
remuneration, and for this reason the vestarch Nestor, an official of
Emperor's father, was sent and was appointed Duke of the towns
along the
Isterus. He entered into an alliance with Tatush who shared his ideas,
together they set out for the capital with numerous Pechenegs. When
ordered him to lay down arms, he said that he would do this only if
they do
away with Logothete Nicephorus as their common enemy and foe of
the world,
since he had insulted him greatly and expropriated his estates. The
Emperor did
not consent, however, because once before he had given in to his lies
deceits. Since his own men plotted against him, Nestor left these
sacked Macedonia and Thrace and the lands bordering on Bulgaria, and
over into the land of the Pechenegs. And therefore some of the robbed
Macedonian soldiers went to the Emperor and complained of the plunder.
On the
Emperor's orders, no attention whatsoever was paid to them, and they
turned out after having been whipped and ill-treated. Having returned
to their
country, full of great anguish, they did not maintain the same
attitude, but began to look for any means of retaliation against their
Cedreni compendium, op. cit., pp.
714-720; cf. THEM, VI; pp. 334-338; the original is in Greek
1 Mihael VII,
Emperor of Byzantium.
The first year
of his reign corresponds to 1071/1072
2 Byzantine governor
of Bulgaria
3 Knyaz of Zeta
4 Probably a mistake
instead of the “Kaukhans”
5 i.e. soldiers from
the administrative region (theme) Macedonia
with Adrianople as the principal city.
i.e. Venetians
7 i.e.
soldiers from the theme of Macedonia
An excerpt
from the Life of
Lazarus1 by Gregorius, a monk, mentions a Bulgarian uprising
led by
Peter Delyan
11th c.
so traveling in this manner, he reached the borders of Bulgaria. At
that time
Delyan's uprising2 was raging there. And thus, when he
arrived there
and entered a town, the strategus of that town, on learning about the
sent for him. When he arrived, he asked him - because he intended to
wage war
on the Bulgarians - which was the best time for this. And /the monk/
'Let me go this night, and I shall give you an answer about it
tomorrow.' In
the morning, he went and told the strategus: 'If you want victory,
attack them
on Sunday.' It was then Wednesday. The strategus, trusting the words of
false prophet, announced this to the whole town. And one could see how
gathered around the stranger, greeted him like a saint and a prophet,
and bowed
before him. And when Sunday came, the strategus went to the monk with
his whole
army. When they had bowed down to him and he had blessed, they /all/
went out
of the town, led by the strategus. There was a battle, and the
strategus was
the first to fall. When they saw him, the rest immediately ran away.
Bulgarians gave chase and killed almost all.
Sanctorum, Novembris III, Bruxellis,
col. 508-588. ГИБИ, VI, pp. 90-91. The original is in Greek
He was a monk who liked to cheat
Peter Delyan's uprising lasted from 1040 to 1041. For this uprising,
Zlatarski, History, II, pp.41-81; P. Moutafchiev, History of the
People, I, Sofia, 1944, pp.11-16; W. Zlatarski, Wer war Peter Deljan,
Acad. Scient. Fennicae, XXVII (1932), p. 354 sq.
Byzantine historian
Nicephorus Bryennius1 reveals the Bulgarian origin of
11th-12th c.
the two attained to man's estate2 they were immediately
included in
the Emperor's suite, as it was the custom with Byzantine Emperors to
attach the
children of noblemen and notables to their court. Before long, they
the highest honours and posts, such as regional governors, commanders
and strategi.
And, because these young men, so illustrious by origin, also had to
brilliant marriages, they achieved that, too. Isaac married Catherina,
elder daughter of the Bulgarian Tsar Samuil, and Ioannes married the
of Alexius Charon, to whom the Emperor entrusted the rule of Italy, a
judicious, intelligent, valiant and courageous, nicknamed /Charon/ on
of his bravery.
Bryennii commentarii,rec.
A.Meineke,1836, p. 19; cf. ГИБИ, VI, p.113; the original is in Greek
Nicephorus Bryennius, husband to Anna Comnena, daughter of the
Byzantine Emperor Comnenus (1081-1118),
author of a history describing the deeds of Alexius Comnenus before he
2 The Byzantine
Emperor Isaac I Comnenus (1057-1059) and his brother
Ioannes Comnenus
of Ohrid,
Archbishop of Bulgaria, bears witness that in the Bregalnitsa diocese
services were held in Bulgarian
11th-12th c.
. .1
And thus, glorifying and giving praise to God, they arrived at
Bregalnitsa. . .
and a priest, trained in the Bulgarian language, was appointed to the
shrine of
God there, to stay there and to sing the sacred services
Bulgariae archiepiscopi
Historia martyrii XV martyrum, PGr. CXXVI, col. 208; Yordan Ivanov The
Bulgarians in Macedonia, Sofia, 1917, p.l20; the original is in Greek
1 In the text here omitted from
the work of Theophylactus of Ohrid “The sufferings of the Martyrs from
Tiberiopolis” there is a story of how in the 9th c. the Bulgarian Knyaz
ordered a new church to
be built in Bregalnitsa where the relics of the saints from Stroumitsa
transferred in the passages included here. Theophylactus mentions the
of these relics.
of Ohrid
describes how the Bulgarians settled as inhabitants in Old Macedonia up
11th-12th c.
this people /the Avars/ withdrew, another people, still fiercer and
lawless, and known as the Bulgarians, came from the Scythian lands;
the river called Isterus /Danube/, they came as a heavy scourge, sent
by God to
the western territories. They did not know Christ's name and, in their
ignorance, they worshipped the Sun, the Moon and the stars. There were
some who
offered dogs as sacrifices. Their minds were so confused that they
creatures instead of their creator. And since they had conquered
the entire
Illyric country, Old Macedonia up to the town of Thessalonica and part
of Old
Thrace, namely around Boruy1, I can say Philippopolis, too,
as well
as the mountainous areas near them, they settled as veritable
inhabitants of
this country. They displaced the inhabitants of each area: the
inhabitants of
the lower towns they resettled in the upper, and those of the latter in
lower towns.
Bulgariae archiepiscopi
Historia, op. cit., col. 189; Yordan Ivanov, op. cit., p, 121; the
original is
in Greek
1 Present-day Stara
of Ohrid writes
that the inhabitants of Ohrid are Bulgarians and speak Bulgarian
11th-12th c.
from a letter to Anem: 1
you say that you have become a complete barbarian among the Bulgarians,
you, my
dearest, are saying what I dream /in my sleep/. Because just think how
much I
have drunk from the cup of vulgarity, being so far away from the
countries of
wisdom, and how much I have drunk from the lack of culture ... Since we
been living for a long time in the land of the Bulgarians, vulgarity
has become
our close companion and fellow-inhabitant.
A friend of Theophylactus of Ohrid
CXXVI, Theophylacti epistola XXI, ed.
Meursio; cf. Letters of Theophylactus of Ohrid, translated by
Symeon from Greek, Сб. БАН, кн.
Hist.-Philol. and Philos.-Polit. Branch, 15, Sofia, 1931, pp.71-72; the original
is in
(b) from
a letter to the Empress Maria:1
I went from Ohrid to the Queen of Towns,2 my holy Lady, I
encountered many sorrows, because of my numerous sins ... And so I come
the Bulgarians, I, a true citizen of Constantinople,
a Bulgarian by some miracle.
1 This is the former
queen Maria, wife of Nicephorus III Botaniates
2 i.e. Constantinople
ep. I, ed. Laraio; cf. Letters,
op. cit., pp.180 181; the original is in Greek
(c) from
a letter to the Bishop of Vidin:
so, do not despair, do not lose heart, as though you were the only one
suffer ... So you have Kumans invading your land? What are they,
however, in
comparison with the people of Ohrid, who come from the city to
attack us? So
you have cunning citizens? They are children in comparison with our
citizens ...
ep. XV, ed. Finetti, cf. Letters,
op. cit., p. 18; the original is in Greek
from a letter to the royal son-in-law, Bruiennius:1
the clerics have paid twice as much as the laymen, both for the mills
and for
the strugi, as they are called in Bulgarian, which a Hellene
would call
brooklets, and which facilitate fishing, and for them too the clerics
have been
subjected to much greater payments than the others ...
so as not to put my high rank to shame, he2 collected from
personally so much, that, for mills which have long since been
destroyed, he
asked the full price, while for those in good condition - twice as much
as from
the Bulgarians.
1 Bryennius was the
husband of Anna Comnena
2 The state tax
collector who was
pestering Theophylactus
ep. XLI, ed. Finetti; cf. Letters,
op. cit., p. 128; the original is in Greek
of Ohrid, in the
Long Life of Clement of Ohrid writes about the
language and ethnic origin of the
Slav population in Macedonia
11th-12th c.
You probably want to know who these saints are? - Methodius, who
adorned the
Pannonian diocese by becoming Archbishop of Moravia, and Cyril,1
was great in pagan philosophy and still greater
in the
Christian one...
Because the Slav or Bulgarian people did not understand the scriptures
in the
Greek language, the saints considered this as the greatest loss and
grounds for their inconsolable sorrow in the fact that the lamp of the
Scriptures had not been lit in the dark country of the Bulgarians. They
grieved, suffered and renounced life.
6. And so what did they do? They turned to the
Comforter, whose first gifts were tongues and words, and they prayed to
him for
grace to invent an alphabet that corresponded to the coarseness of the
Bulgarian language and enabled them to translate the Holy Scriptures
into the
language of the people. And indeed, by devoting themselves to strict
and continuous prayer in order to weaken their bodies and humiliate
souls, they achieved what they desired ...
Having obtained the gift which they desired, they invented the Slav
translated the God-inspired Scriptures from the Greek into the
language and were careful to pass on the divine knowledge to the more
among their disciples ...
After this, having conferred with the more judicious men of his
who were all as favourably disposed towards Clement as though he were
their own
father, ... he /Tsar Simeon/ appointed him Bishop of Drembitsa, or
Velika, and
thus Clement became the First Bishop in the Bulgarian language.
... He /Clement/ composed for all holidays simple and clear sermons
contain nothing profound or wise, but which are understandable even to
simplest Bulgarian. It was with them that he nourished the souls of the
He tried in every way to overcome the indifference of the Bulgarians
divine matters, to assemble them, attracted by the beauty of the
buildings /of
the temples/ and, in particular, to soften the cruelty, harshness and
coarseness of their hearts by a knowledge of God ...'
Milev, Greek Lives of Clement of Ohrid, Sofia, 1966, pp. 79,
81, 129, 133, 135; the original is in Greek.
1 Theophylactus
refers to the brothers from Salonica, Cyril and
Western writer Sigebertus
writes in his chronicle about the Bulgarian Archbishop Leo of Ohrid1
11th-12th c.
under the influence of the Patriarch of Constantinople, Michael and the
Bulgarian Archbishop Leo of Ohrid the Greeks were inclined towards a
heresy,2 Pope Leo, exposing their deviations, wrote a book
them, supported by strong evidence from the Scriptures.
Gemblacensis Chronographia, MGH, SS VI, p. 369;
cf. ЛИБИ, III, p. 46; the original is in Latin
1 Leo of Ohrid, of
Greek origin, was the first Archbishop directly
appointed by the Emperor of Byzantium in 1036-1037
2 Pope Leo IX
denounced the Eastern Church of Constantinople for its
heretical errors
From the
Dioclea Annales,1
about the Bulgarian Tsars Samuil, Radomir, Vladislav and the conquest
of Bulgaria by Basil II
12th c.
that time, in the Bulgarian tribe, there emerged a man called Samuil,
who proclaimed
himself Tsar. He fought long wars with the Greeks and drove them away
from the
whole of Bulgaria, so that in his time the Greeks did not dare to
approach it.
The youth Vladimir2 occupied the throne and grew up full of
and saintliness. At the same time, however, while Vladimir was still a
and ruled in place of his father, the above-mentioned Bulgarian Tsar,
assembled a big army and arrived at the boundaries of Dalmatia,
attacking the
land of Knyaz Vladimir. The Knyaz, who was a holy man unwilling to let
any of
his men die in war, modestly withdrew, and, together with his entire
ascended the mountain called Oblik ... Meanwhile the Tsar, through
proposed to Knyaz Vladimir that he descend from the mountain, together
with all
who were with him. But the Knyaz would not consent. The local zhupan,
like the traitor Judas, sent the Bulgarian Tsar a letter in which he
'Master, if it suits Your Majesty, I will turn the Knyaz over to you.
The Tsar
replied: 'If you succeed in doing this, you will be richly rewarded by
me and
great honours will be conferred on you?
Vladimir, in chains, devoted day and night to fasting and prayers.
God's angel
appeared to him as a vision; he comforted him and told him what would
happen to
him: how God would free him from prison, and how he, through martyrdom,
go to the kingdom of heaven where he would receive an everlasting crown
and the
reward of eternal life. Then the blessed Vladimir, cheered by the
vision, increasingly devoted himself to fasting and prayers. And thus
one day
the daughter of Tsar Samuil, named Kosara, prompted and inspired by the
Ghost, went to her father and expressed the desire to go with her maids
wash the heads and feet of the prisoners in chains. When her father
gave her
permission, she went down into the gaol and performed her virtuous
Meanwhile, she had noticed Vladimir
and, seeing that he was handsome, modest, kind, moderate and full of
wisdom and
godly prudence, she stopped and talked to him. His words seemed to her
than honey and the honeycomb. And so, not out of passion, but out of
pity for
the youth and for his good looks and because she had heard that he was
a knyaz
and of a princely family, she fell in love with him, and, taking her
leave, she
went away. Then, wishing to free him from gaol, she went to the Tsar,
prostrating herself at his feet, said as follows: 'My father, my lord,
I know
that you intend to have me married according to custom. And now, if it
Your Majesty, either give me for husband Knyaz Vladimir whom you hold
chains, or know that I would rather die than accept another man.' On
this, the Tsar was pleased because he loved his daughter dearly, and,
he knew that Vladimir was of a princely family, he consented to fulfill
daughter's wish. He immediately sent orders to Vladimir to wash and
himself in princely clothes and after that, to appear before him. The
received him courteously, kissed him in the presence of the nobles of
Kingdom and gave him his daughter to wife. Not long afterwards,
however, Tsar
Samuil died, and the throne was occupied by his son Radomir. He showed
and strength, fought numerous battles against the Greeks in the time of
Greek Emperor Basil and seized all lands as far as Constantinople.
Basil, fearing lest he should lose his power, sent envoys secretly to
Vladislav, Radomir's cousin, through whom he told him: 'Why do you not
vengeance for the blood of your father? Take from me as much gold and
silver as
you wish, make peace with us and take the Kingdom of Samuil, who
destroyed your
father and your brother. If you are stronger, kill his son Radomir now
on the throne.' Hearing this, Vladislav agreed and one day, when
Radomir was
out hunting, he himself, while riding next to him, struck and killed
him. This
was how Radomir perished and how Vladislav, who killed him, ascended to
so after the death of the Bulgarian Tsar Vladislav, Emperor Basil
assembled a large army and a multitude of ships, began to conquer the
and seized the whole of Bulgaria, Rascia and Bosnia, the whole of
Dalmatia and
all coastal regions up to the boundaries of Lower Dalmatia.
Sisic, Letopis Popa Dukljanina
(Ferdo Sisic, Chronicle of the Dioclean Priest), Belgrad Zagreb 1928,
pp. 330,
331, 334, 342, 344; cf. ЛИБИ, m,' pp. 173-175, 179; the original is in
1 The so-called
Dioclea Annales, originally compiled in the 12th c.
in Slavonic and translated into Latin in 1510. Among other data this
contains information about the history of the Bulgarian state of
Samuil. It was
written by a priest from the Serbian province of Dioclea
2 Serbian prince.
Western writer Wilhelm of
Tyr in his History of the Crusades describes how the
Bulgarians captured the Bishop of
Puy on the plain of Bitola
12th c.
taken the road again, he /Raymund/1 with efforts lasting
many days
crossed forests and mountains and the entire region of the Epireots and
at last
set up camp, having descended to the region called Pelagonia, which
abounded in
all kinds of supplies. When the Bishop of Puy, a man whose life is
worthy of
respect, pitched his tent at some little distance from the camp, with a
view to
camping more comfortably, he was captured by the attacking Bulgarians.
des historians des croisades. Historiens Oc
cidentaux, I. Paris, 1844, p. 99; cf. ЛИБИ, III, p. 194; the original
is in
Raymund de Toulouse with an army of crusaders were directed towards
Constantinople in 1096
In a Brief
Life of Cyril, known as The
Assumption of Cyril it is said that he was Bulgarian
12th c.
birth-place of our Reverend father Cyril was the glorious and great
town of
Thessalonica. He was born in it. He was Bulgarian by birth... went to
Bregalnitsa and found some converted Slavs /there/, and those who were
not, he
baptized and made Orthodox. And he wrote books in the Slav language for
Those baptized by him numbered 54,000.
Ivanov, Bulgarian Antiquities in Macedonia,
phototype edition, Sofia, 1970, pp. 284-285; the original is in Old